(10) Fishbach or McLoughlin?

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So... that little baby was the reincarnation of Tyler? That's... Oh my God. My best friend was reborn. I can't believe this... OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND WAS REBORN!

My mind was running at a million miles an hour as Ethan rambled about the baby and her mother, verbally beating himself up for not asking for the woman's phone number. "I'm so gay, the thought didn't even cross my mind!" He groaned, which earned a few giggles from Sean and Kathryn.

As soon as we'd gotten home, Kayhryn set down the sunscreen and got out the wine, and Sean found the beer, and soon enough they were looooong gone. "Dude, it's okay! I'm sure they'll be back at the beach tomorrow. People don't usually vacation for just one day." I said in an irratonal attempt to reassure him.

"But what if today was their last day or something?! What if I never see them again?!" He panicked. "Then you'd have some pretty shitty luck." Kathryn replied in a monotone voice. This seemed to freak out Ethan even more, but I ignored it. "Then at least you know that Tyler made it through okay, and that new Tyler is happy! You can move on, Ethan!"

My tone of voice seemed to reassure him just a little bit, but it was enough. "Thanks, Mark! You're right... Sean, pass me a beer!" Sean happily handed Ethan a bottle, and tried to offer me one. "Ah, sorry. I can't..." I said awkwardly. He shrugged. "Suit yourself. More for me!" He flicked the cap off the bottle, and started chugging.

Okay, if I let Sean drink any more, he'll probably pass out or get alcohol poisoning. Either way? Not good. I scooped up the green-haired Irish boy man thing in my arms, and carried him to our room like a baby. "Maaark, --just one--more?" He hiccupped between words, and had a dizzy smile on his lips.

"Nope. It's time for bed, jackass." I muttered, lazily kissing his forehead. I set him on the bed, and he giggled as I sat next to him. "I like you!" I tilted my head a bit in confusion. "Ah?" "Yeah! Like, a lot. Like-like." He drunkenly explained, and both of our faces got noticeably reddened.

"I know, ya dope. That's why we're dating!" I laughed, kissing his tiny button nose. He shook his head. "Nope! Not much longer!" I felt my heary stop. What?! "I was actually s'possed to propose to you tonight, but I'm kinda feeling too sick. I think I might be a little drunk." He said surprisingly calmly.

My jaw dropped. "No fucking way. You weren't... You were gonna propose?!" He smiled from ear-to-ear, nodding like a madman. "M-hmm! See, look!" He turned around and opened the nighstand drawer, fishing around for a moment before he pulled out a little black box. "See? I told you so!"

I was at a loss for words as the drunken green bean tossed the box back into the drawer, smiling like a doofus. "Anyway, goodnight, Markimoo!" he giggled and kissed my cheek passionately before he passed out.

"Sean..." Oh my God. Sean was going to fucking propose to me! Sean... Sean William McLoughlin, my boyfriend/soulmate/love of my life, was going to ask me to marry him. I stopped. Marriage... God, I would love that! Living in an actual house, cooking meals, owning multiple dogs, a kid... Oh God, a kid! That would be so amazing... I looked over at my adorable sleeping partner. With him. I want to have a house and dogs and a family with him.


The next morning, I woke up around ten-ish. I yawned, and smiled. My mind was clouded with the thoughts of our exchange the previous night. What if he proposes today?! Please, please, please! I was smiling like an idiot the whole time I got dressed and went downstairs to made myself breakfast.

Kathryn was sitting in the kitchen scrolling through Twitter, and I asked her where everyone was. "Ethan went to the beach extra-early to wait for that chick, and Sean's recording something. Oh, he told me to tell you wants your opinion on something, by the way." "What?" She shrugged. "He didn't say." I quickly finished my burnt eggs, and wandered into the recording room.

Sean looked up from what seemed to be a vlog, and his expression lit up with joy. He gave a small wave. "Hey Mark! Uh, I needed your opinion on something." He said, and I could tell he was struggling to keep a straight face. "I'm glad to help, babe! What can I do for you?" I wrapped my arms around his waist, and put them in his pocket. "I can't decide which has a better ring to it... Fishbach, or McLoughlin?"

I laughed. "What for?" And, with a completely casual tone and expression, he said, "For when we get married, of course." He shrugged, pulling out the box I'd seen the night before. I froze in place, and my jaw dropped to the floor. Now we both had idiotic smiles plastered across our faces, and for a minute, neither of us said anything. "Actually, I kinda like the sound of that... Mark McLoughlin..."

The boy looked at me curiously, his blue eyes sparkling with the rays of sunshine coming through the window. "So that's a yes?" I aswered him with a kiss, and I felt myself starting to cry. I started messing with his hair a bit, and pulled back. "You're such a doofus." "And yet somehow, you still love me." "It's a fucking miracle!" We were both crying now, and I squeezed him in a hug. I heard the door squeak open, and Kathryn and Ethan walked in, both smiling happily.

"E-Ethan?! I thought you were gone! And Kathryn, you sly bastard, you fucking knew about this?!" I playfully punched her and messed up Ethan's fading pink hair before pulling them both into a hug. The four of us all exhanged hugs and congratulations before huddling in front of Sean's vlog camera.

"So, it's official, folks! Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are engaged! Septiplier away!" The green-haired doof cried happily, kissing my cheek. "Yeah, Sean Fishbach! Whoa, that sounded fucking awesome!" I squealed like an idiot.

Ethan and Kathryn hurriedly left, and Sean turned off the camera, not even bothering to do an outro. We both knew exactly how we were going to celebrate our engagement ;)

By reading the holy bible together and praising God. Amen!! Or by having gay butt sex. The world may never know... Anyway, there's that short but very important chapter for you all! I thought this book was lacking fluff and happiness, so, uh, yeah. Here's this, with no warning whatsoever!! I can't wait to write about the wedding, but alas, we still have to get back to Ethan's "side quest" first. I can't wait to see you in the next chapter, which will hopefully be soon because I'm suddenly super pumped about this book again!
SINcerely, Tokki~Kun!

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