Episode 10: The Worst of Them All

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"You all are idiots," said George, "you can't just give an engine a name higher then mines!"

It had been a few days after Princess Eleanor's accident and given her name by Crystel and George felt very jealous.

"I mean, she's worst then a LMS Duchess!"

"You mean you," said Anderson.

"Tell you what," said George, "why don't you leave that branch to that J50 and you go back to the Mainline and get scraped."

Ashfull wheeshed steam crossly. "You say another insult and make you leave the island by being dumped in the sea. George just subsided and puffed away.

Later that day, George made another deal with the trucks and this made Ashfull to derail at Bustin station on his way back to Central Camford (the main terminous was renamed after Anderson's branch got an station from the outskirts of Camford). The Old Director was starting to get supicious, but did nothing as to see what would happen next. He did.

Princess Eleanor backed down onto a goods train, she had done well ever since her accident and The Old Director decided that she can have a second chance. The trucks giggled to each other as she left the yard. As she puffed through Fowthorpe station and up the hill, she heard the trucks laughing.

"Please be quiet," she said, the only reply was even more laughter from the trucks and as they reach the top the trucks suddenly bashed into each causing Princess Eleanor's crew to bash each others heads and pass out.Princess Eleanor started to roll down the hill faster and faster.

"Help! HELP!!" she cried, as the trucks, still laughing behind her. They were starting to get closer and closer to Carrag station. Suddenly Princess Eleanor felt a serve and suddenly derailed, crashed into a fence and into a field. Some runaway points had diverted her of the line and now the trucks where all piled on top of each other. Princess Eleanor felt terrible.

The Old Director came to see her. "I have made my choice now," he said, "you will be sent back to the LNER whilst George will be placed as official NER engine No.9." Christen was in shock, whilst the trucks laugh and laugh, Princess Eleanor said nothing.


"See, I'm the better engine!" said George, "who was the one who hadn't had any accident at all. That's right, me!"

"Oh shut it you," said Crystel who was comforting Princess Eleanor.

"Make me," sniggered George, "I think I'll be one of the old man's best engine. Soon he'll give the king's name. 'King Callum of Thesang."

"That name has already been given to another engine. Better then you."

George looked to see Ashfull rolling in.

"Look at yourself, I think Sir Nigel Gresley thinks that your a disgrace to your class. No wonder he made a much more better class then you."

George gritted his teeth. "How can you say that, your not an LNER engine."

"True," said Ashfull he looked to hear some puffing noises, "but he is."

 George looked up to see Christen puff up to him. "He has all the right to say what you are!" shouted Christen, "I know your game, you put the trucks up to it so you can stay hear whilst Princess Eleanor went home in disgrace!"

George just sniggered. But then he stopped to see Christen chuckle.

"Good luck with deal tho."

George just remembered that he'll have to crash 5 times now. Three times before Princess Eleanor leaves, he started to feel worried.


"Stop it you stupid trucks!"

"On, on, on! Make that George come of the rails with almighty crash!!"

George was heading closer and closer towards Wallsbridge, he whistled in horror to see the Crystel on the same track coming straight towards him with a passenger train. Crystel slammed on her brakes. The signalmen reacted in time for George to head in the goods yard, whilst Crystel stopped inches to the points. George went into the yard whilst Christen watched him, as he smashed into some coal wagons. Coal and wood went everywhere, George looked dace and surprise on his side as Christen came up to him.

"Now you know how it feels," he said. George just groaned.


"I am now confuse of who to let to stay now!"

The Old Director pace in front of Princess Eleanor and a smash foot plate and messed up boiler George.

"This is worst trial I have ever given to two engines! And this one is the first I've had!"

"Sorry sir," said Princess Eleanor looking down at her buffers, George just said nothing, he just put on an guilty face.

"Right," said The Old Director, "I see to that both of you will be sent back, then I'll will get two over engines on trial." And with that he left.

"This is all your fault you miserable *****," said George.

Crystel just wheeshed steam at him crossly. 

The next day, Ashfull was puffing through the sidings when he saw George in one talking to some trucks. Ashfull decided to have a listen.

"As you may know," said George, "that I'll be leaving because of all of you dirty things."

The trucks groaned.

"So if I return in my original state, I'll be shunting you all of the docks, but if you do somethink for me. You won't get punish."

"And what will that be?"

"I want you to crash into Cr-"

"Oi, George, what are you doing there?"

George and the trucks looked to see Ashfull.

"I am hear teaching these trucks to behave," said George.

"Right," said Ashfull, "well come on then. I'm suppose to take you to a different siding."

George just glare at him as Ashfull soon buffered up to him and took him to the big station. The Old Director saw Ashfull, but as he was about to reply, Ashfull spoke.

"Sir," he said, "I have found the engine of the cause of the Princess Eleanor's crashes."

The Old Director stared at George's eyes widen and stared to curse.

That evening, Princess Eleanor backed into see The Old Director waiting for her.

"I'm sorry Princess Eleanor, I've should of sawed that George was doing deals with the trucks," he said, "in the morning you'll be sent to Carrag and have a repaint into are colours with name plates arriving in three days time."

"Does that mean that I'm hear to stay?" asked Princess Eleanor.

"It does mean that-"

But his words were drowned by the whistles and cheers from the engines. And what about George? Well he's on static display, in the back of a shed.

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