September 21st 1942
The engines were working very hard the war was getting very tiring and the engines were very dirty. It was like hell when men had no choice but leave there home to France since the England's men were dying more and more.
The engines were dismayed and some of there staff members were going and were replaced by woman for the time being. Even so they were allowed to work on the railway, they weren't allowed to drive them.
One morning Crystel was dosing in the sun, when three girls walked up to her.
"Well look here girls," said one called Amy, "we've gotten areselfs one of the passenger engines."
Soon the girls were polishing and cleaning Crystel. One of the girls called Rose, was cleaning her funnel and face.
"Arn't you just a smart engine," she said, at that Crystel open an eye.
"I'm a fengine," she said in sulky tone.
"What's a fengine?" asked another called Helen.
"An fengine is a engine that is a female," said a voice.
Cystel looked to see a very dirty Ashfull puff next to her.
"Please don't get that dirt near me," said Crystel, "I just been clean."
"And I won't," chuckled Ashfull.
"Awww," said Rose, "can you feel romance with them Helen?"
With that said, Ashfull wheeshed steam, whilst Cystel looked at her buffers, cheeks red.
Just then, Anderson came in looking misable and pale. He went into the sheds and stayed there.
"What with him?" asked Amy.
Ashfull sighed looking down. "A cleaner called Stan got killed in no man's land last week. Anderson just got the news."
The girls were sadden by the news. Crystel was a bit confused though, Stan's favourite engine was Ashfull and he was proud of that. Surely, it must hurt?
The next few days, Anderson work hard. But soon the hospital to treat wounded soldiers at Carrag were starting to get some of the LNER engines disturb. A week later The Old Director came to see Anderson.
"A special train is needed to take wounded soldiers from the Boston to Carrag hospital. Can you be able to help with that?"
"Oh yes sir," peeped Anderson happily.
"That's a good engine," said The Old Director, "but I may warn you, you will not like what you see...nor hear."
When Anderskn arrived at Boston, he waited in a siding until a LNER class D16 arrived. As the engine pulled in, he looked very conserned.
"Be careful mate," he said to Anderson as they switch, "you won't be liking the run next week."
As Anderson left, he couldn't help but think about the engines words. As he rushed along the line. He heard screems and shouts from inside the carriages. He felt scared inside.
As he came into Carrag goods station to drop them off. His eyes widen in shock to see so many injured soldiers. The dead ones that had died on the way had been taken in a van to the funeral house in Truds.
Anderson could only wimper slowly away.
The next few weeks more and more came to Carrag. The men who were aloud to go back to Britain didn't look the same as they were leaving and were screaming and shaking everywhere.
"I don't think he can take it anymore," said Christen to Javiling, "he's been so work up about it."
"I have to agree, that private engine is doing all the work on his branchline," replied Javiling.
Suddenly, Anderson rush pass them, and puffed towards Boston. Christen looked at Javiling.
"Give him time," was only Javiling said.
Later that day, Anderson was waiting at Boston until a path was clear for him to get to Boston.
While he was waiting he heard some voices behind him.
"There has been a boy that has had an serious injury," said a doctor.
"How did it happen?" asked a nurse.
"He was un charge of making sure a train got over a bridge to the front line, sadly Germans bombed the bridge and almost took it him, the engine and his crew with it."
"What's his name?"
"Thomas Westwater."
Anderson was in shock.
"THOMAS WESTWATER!!" he screeched and he looked back to see a familier face being carry aboard the first coach of the train.
"Don't worry Thomas," said Anderson, "I'll get you back to Thesang."
All doors were then shut, the signal changed green and the guard blew his whistle and wave his green flag. And with that, Anderson's wheels spun on the rails as he started away.
Anderson thundered down the line, charging through the stations and tunnels. Making the rails vibrate a mile away in front and behind.
He bounce along the line as his coaches sang:
You must save Thomas
You must save Thomas
You have to
You have to
Engines whistled Anderson on, as Anderson's wheels began to be a blur; they rush through Skegness Station and onto the bridge to Carrag.
Anderson began to feel tired but press onto the final stage into Carrag goods station.
"Good luck!" he whistled as they took in all the injured soldiers to the hospital.
After that, Anderson never saw Thomas again, for that one event. Could change everythink.
The Other Railway Series: Season 2
Historical FictionWorld is at war again, the horror arises again, as everybody fears on Thesang, that they'll be attacked by the German and suffer the consiquences NON-CANON TO THE SERIES!!!