T w e n t y n i n e

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Trigger warning

  Today I was going to make josh go on a walk with fish and I, he's been in the apartment for the past week and he needs to get out. The days I went to work I constantly texted him making sure he was okay and if he needed anything, he always said he was fine.
  I set up an official appointment with Matty, and that was every Thursday at 3pm and today was the first appointment to go to.
  I took today off of work so I could spend the day with josh and he could go out for a little bit.
  "Josh, we're gunna go on a walk." I said rubbing circles into his back.
  "I don't want to." He sighed.
"It will make you feel better. Come on." I gave him a sad smile.
"Fine." He stood up from the bed and got ready and I went to get fish.
We made it to the down stairs lobby and josh stopped before going out the doors.
"Josh, come on." I said holding out my hand.
"I-Im coming..." he mumbled walking past fish and I.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and followed behind josh.
I caught up to him and grabbed his hand and walked next to him.
"Josh. I know this is really hard but I'm trying to be with you and give you everything you need but you need to let me in..." I said choking on my words.
Josh opened his mouth to say something but before he could say something someone yelled at us.
We both turned around at the same time and there was Jordan.
"Holy shit..." josh covered his mouth and ran up to him taking him into a hug.
I followed josh but at a slower pace.
"Where the hell have you been?!" Josh cried.
"I-I left and went to California..." Jordan sighed.
Josh broke away from the hug,
"For 8 fucking years?" Josh laughed out of anger.
"I-I'm sorry..." Jordan said starting to cry.
"I pissed as hell but I missed you." Josh said running his finger through his mess of blonde curls.
"Yeah. Missed you too." Jordan sighed.
"Well. Since Ashley left to Paris with abbey it's just us." Josh patted Jordan's shoulder.
"And Tyler."
I heard my name and I didn't realize I had spaced off.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Well it's just us three." He held his hand out motioning to the three of us.
"Yeah...I guess." Josh looked between his brother and I.
  "Well, um Ill text you two later, I gotta go unpack my stuff. Do you guys live here?" Jordan asked.
  Josh nodded.
"Oh I'm staying with a friend here that's funny, I'll catch you guys later." Jordan waved goodbye and we continued our walk.
  We walked for a little bit until we came to an open field and josh started to walk into it.
  "Josh what are you doing?" I asked. 
He kept walking until he was in the middle and laid down in the snow.
  I caught up to him and joined him in the snow.
  "I can't believe she's gone ty...She had to deal with her disease for five years until her body finally gave up on her. I knew this would come. I didn't think it would be this hard to have her go, I thought I had accepted it by now and that death is inevitable and that when your time comes it's supposed to. The universe knows when you're supposed to go and it knew she needed her suffering to be over. It was her time ty. I just wish I was with her. Life sucks. It sucks a little less with you, I love you Tyler. I honestly don't know why you still stay with me. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you have to put up with me, I don't know how you do it. I'm sorry ty. I'm so so sor-"
  "Baby. I love you so much don't say that. I love you and I'm not leaving you anytime soon. I love you Joshua."
  And there we laid. Just a couple of sobbing boys with a puppy in the middle of an empty field.
  Fish was sprawled across josh and I, and he was keeping us warm but we eventually started to get cold and went back to the apartment.
  "I have to go get food for dinner and food for fish. I'll be back in like two hours, love you." I said kissing josh.
  "Okay, love you too." He sighed.
"Take a shower okay?" I cupped his cheek with my hand and headed out to Josh's car. I like his car more than mine so I drove his. I wasn't going to get groceries yet, I had to go see matty first.

🌿time skip because I
       have never been to a therapist🌿                   

   Talking to matty was terrifying, but it helped me. Opening up to almost a complete stranger was weird and difficult but it helped. Now all I had to do was go get food for Josh, Fish and I.
  I finished at the store and headed home to my boys.
  I walked into the apartment to two sleeping boys on the couch. Fish was by Josh's feet and josh was wrapped in a blanket with his hood thrown over his head. I started to make dinner and just as I was finishing cooking it josh woke up.
  "You're home." He yawned.
  "Yeah, dinners almost done." I smiled.
"What are we having?" He asked rubbing  his eyes.
"Salmon and baked potatoes." I said pulling the tray out of the oven.
  "Okay, I'll feed fish." He lazily walked over to the bag of dog food then ran to the bathroom.
  "Josh?!" I yelled and ran after him.
He was hunched over the toilet throwing up everything that was in his stomach.
"Oh baby..." I walked over to him rubbing circles into his back.
  After about 5 minutes he stopped.
"Why did you throw up?" I asked josh after he had calmed down.
  "I-i don't know..." he said groggily.
"Well, let's get you some water.." I sighed petting his blonde locks.
  Josh tried standing up and passed out.
I screamed, "Josh?! Josh!"

A/n: Hey!! It's your least favorite person/author, and I just wanted to say y'all should go read my frens book I'm not just saying it cause she's my friend, if it was shitty I wouldn't suggest it. Anyways... go read her book called stay nonotlikeicarly it's v good.

Tongue Tied//Joshler☁️Where stories live. Discover now