Everyone hates Torchwood

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When they landed Panic was in pain and also incredibly guilty. " Are you alright." Martha asked the doctor in training going to her side. " Not really." Panic groaned. " Out of the way please I can help." A woman's voice told Martha and she opened her eyes to see a woman with grey hair and matching grey eyes wearing a light blue dress that looked to be from the 1990's. " Let Athena have her Martha she could probably do more for Panic then we can." The Doctor said. " I'm sorry to say Doctor, but I trust Martha more than a complete stranger you happen to know the name of." Panic snapped. " I forgot how annoying I was during my 5th regeneration." Athena mumbled as she as laid her hand on Panic healing her. " Oh I'm sorry I don't recognize a future version myself forgive me oh wise Athena." Panic said mockingly. Athena just rolled her eyes at Panic before finishing her job. " I'm Athena Miller and you three are." She said eyeing Martha, Adeline, and Jack.
" I'm Martha Jones The Doctor's current companion." Martha said as Panic stood back up. " Adeline Jackson the ninth and tenth version of you." Adeline interduced to her past self. " Jack Harkness I'm a
ex-time agent." He said and Panic guessed he didn't interduce as Torchwood seeing as almost all the versions of her past her 3rd regeneration had something against Torchwood weather or not he knew that or not she had no clue. " You work for the Torchwood Industry." Athena hissed immediately stepping away from Jack. " What is it with you and your regenerations hating Torchwood." Jack whined at Adeline.
" Uh maybe because 70% of us have been tortured by Torchwood." Panic said nonchalantly as Jack's eyes widened at her stament. " Now you see why I don't like Torchwood Jack." The Doctor said. " Then why didn't you freak out when you saw me." Jack said confused looking at Panic.
" My plan was to get Adeline out then burn the whole place down, but I've changed my mind you seem like an ok guy." Panic shrugged. " Then why didn't you hate me if your Adeline and I remeber you hated me as well at first." Jack said turning to Adeline.
" I've got your Adeline's memorys as well as my own you didn't need to prove to me your alright seeing as you already did." Adeline told him.
" I don't believe that Torchwood could of changed all that much over the years." Athena said still glaring in Jacks direction. " They didn't the only one that's alright is Torchwood Three either way we've got to find out where The Master is." The Doctor said. " You won't have to look all that hard seeing as he's the prime minister." Athena said as they all saw Harold Saxon on the screen who Panic immeditley knew was him. Especially after his little speech. They rushed to Martha's house and Jack got on the laptop. The Doctor and Athena peered over his shoulders. " So who is this Master." Martha asked. " He's a Time Lord." Panic said though she knew that didn't help. " What kind of Time Lord names himself The Master." Martha said. " An insane one though he wasn't always that way." Adeline answered." What was he like before." Martha asked. " He was brilliant, had a wife, and was a reasonable person." Adeline said. " He had a wife." Martha said wide eyed.
" Yes her name was Ava Sunset though to defend her she didn't want to Marry him." Adeline said and as soon as the words left her mouth Jack turned around looking at the three Primordials in shock. " You married The Master!" He shouted and all three of them flinched. " Might as well tell him. My dad betrothed me to him as soon as he knew I was born and he was also the reason The Master went insane so that I would never threaten his rule." Panic said. " Well at least you were smart enough to make sure he couldn't travel to other times." Athena sighed as she looked at the screen with The Master's face on it. It was only a moment later when made a broadcast to all of Britan. When it finished she looked at the back of the Tv and told everyone to run. The Tv blew up and Martha started calling her family. It was chaos after that with driving to her parents house and then ditching the car before Martha got a call from The Master and The Doctor took it from her talking to him.
" Adeline is there any way for you to know if my family is alright." She asked. Panic could see Adeline close her eyes and she grabbed her hand and Athena's knowing what she was doing. Closing her eyes as well she tried to see if any of her versions were near Harold Saxon and she got an image of a woman before separating from the circle. Adeline shared a look with Panic as Athena looked at them confused. " Which version is that." She asked looking at Adeline. " Martha your family will be fine seeing as somehow he has managed to get Angelina here on Earth." Adeline sighed. " Wait is she alright." Martha asked and Panic just gave her a look not to ask. " We need to run." The Doctor said and she saw all of their faces except Athena's on the wanted screen. " Athena we need you to be away from us incase something bad happens to us alright." Panic said. Athena nodded taking off in the opposite direction as them. When they got to a safe place The Doctor started telling them about Gallifrey. After that they found out about the Archangel network with the rhythm that drove her insane. Now that they had their first clue they built 5 perception filters giving one to each of them. The Doctor explained it and Martha looked at Jack sharing a look.
" You too huh." He laughed. " He's oblivious I know. Everyone is at a certain degree." Adeline said before they took off. They watched as The Master talked to the president. It wasn't until Martha's family came that it became difficult to stay hidden. They then teleported using Jack onto The Valiant. They walked out of the engine room but before they left she took Martha and Jack pulling them to the side. She took Jack's vortex manipulator giving it to Martha.
" everyone will be focused on us if we are seen so she'll need it to escape more than you." Panic explained. They then found The TARDIS and Panic winced at the sight of what he did. The Doctor explained to the other two what happened as she just looked around sadly. Then she spotted a white dressed figure laying on the ground. " Angelina!" Panic shouted running over to where she was chained to The TARDIS. Adeline joined her and she could see a huge red bump on her head where she must of been hit to be knocked unconcious. The Doctor unchained her using the sonic as Martha observed her with Adeline. Sighing the two got up and joined the others.
" We will have to leave her to find The Master." Panic said. They left going to the main room listening to Mr Winters. That was until he killed the president and The Doctor was grabbed. " We meet at last Doctor." He grinned. Then he went towards where the four of them stood pointed a laser at them and Jack took the hit. Adeline ran to his side taking off the perception filter and so did Martha. Then The Master shoot The Doctor with an aging device and Panic ran over to him as he changed. " Oh I was wondering which one was you after all you are the same person." He laughed. Then Martha's family came in and The Toclaflame were unleashed. Panic gave Martha a look and she teleported out and she sent a message to Athena to help her. Then Angelina came in running to The Doctor's side and as soon she touched him he returned to his proper age. Then The Master forced them to different parts of the ship. Adeline to his bedroom, Panic to the engine room with Jack both chained to the burning hot engines, The Doctor in the main room chained as well, and Angelina was once again in The TARDIS. She was terrified, but there was no way Panic Summers would ever be caught saying that.

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