Adeline looked at Jack not really knowing where she stood with him. She knew she liked him though the problem was that she didn't know if it was as a friend or the other. " Adeline could you join me and Tosh there's been a report of strange music coming from a building." Jack asked her. " Of course I'll come just let me grab my guns." She told him going to grab her alien gun. " Why do you bring them if you don't like guns?" Tosh asked. " Well they are grapplers as well as stun guns and to top it off their also track guns." Adeline smirked. " Track guns?" Tosh asked confused. " Guns that shoot trackers right, we have them in the 51st centuary." Jack grinned. " Yep now let's go." Adeline told them ushering them to her car and getting in. When they arrived she walked in with Jack.
" So Adeline do you have any siblings?" Tosh asked and she looked at her weirdly. " I used to, I had an older sister Kathleen and a brother named Theta. My mom was Adrianna and my dad well he's no one you want to meet. " Adeline told them.
" I didn't have any siblings, what about you Jack?" Tosh asked. " Leave it be Tosh you already touched a sore spot for me and for Jack it's probably worse." Adeline sighed before they heard a music. " That music sounds like it's from the 1940's." Jack said and she smiled. " Ah the 1940's yes I was known as Ava Sunset my very first regeneration after Corrine." Adeline grinned. " Corrine?" He asked
" Yeah My very first form, who I was born as was Corrine Marina Jackson though the likeingness of you seeing her is about 2 in 1,000,000,002." Adeline said. " Can you tell us about your other forms maybe we met them?" Jack said excitedly as Tosh nodded as well. " Tosh wouldn't of, but Jack might of. Either way I will while we are looking around." Adeline said as they entered a larger room the music got louder. " Corrine was age 0-31 with brown curly hair, pale skin, and eyes that looked as if they had galaxies in them. Ava my next generation was 31- 14 billion with orange hair, pale skin and green eyes." She told them her first two forms. " That is a long time why did she live so long?" Tosh asked and she was about to respond when all of the sudden the scenery changed. She found herself in 1941 back in the same ballroom she had been in a long time ago. " Jack please tell me we aren't where I think we are." Adeline whispered her clothes turned from her comfortable jacket to a shorter pink dress with roses in the v neck.
" Why are you changing clothes. Adeline?" Jack asked confused. " Jack we are now in 1941 safe to say my leather jackets don't really fit in at a ball." Adeline told him then a guy grabbed her arm dragging her to dance floor. She gave a startled yelp before following the music it was only a little bit before she flashed Jack the help look not really a dancer, but not wanting to make a scene. " Do you mind if I..." Jack trailed off seperating the two. " Yes I do we are just dancing." He said and Adeline put a little distance between the two.
" Maybe she dosn't want to dance." Jack said and the conversation continued until the guy punched Jack in the face. Adeline gasped before pushing him to the ground. He was about to get back up when a man stepped in and she gasped recognizing him. " Sorry about that they are a little rowdy tonight. George they deserve an apology" He grinned. " Sorry." The kid grumbled. " It's fine I'm just not much of a dancer. Though I'm glad it was me and not Tosh since I at least dance quite a bit." Adeline grinned. They left to get drinks where they interduced themselves. " I'm Captain Jack Harkness of the 133th." He grinned and Adeline sighed knowing that was who he was. " I am Lieutenant Adeline Jackson of the 67th and this is Captain James Harper he's with the 71st. This lady over here is Toshiko Sato a friend of mine" Adeline told him and he looked at her shocked. " A woman as a Lieutenant that is unheard of, but not impossible. My girlfriend is actually a Lieutenant of the 33rd." Captain Jack told them. They had a conversation for a while before Tosh and Jack left her. " I would like to interduce you to Ava." Captain Jack asked her and she gave him a fake smile. " Of course any woman whose out fighting would be a pleasure to meet." Adeline faked knowing it would be the most awkward conversation she ever had.
She followed him to where a girl was sitting and she saw the orange haired girl. Ava Sunset no doubt. " Hello my names Ava and you are." She smiled sweetly and Adeline held back a groan Ava was too sweet. She was forced to talk for about 5 minutes before she heard a fight happening behind her and could tell it was about Tosh. " She is a decoder ma'am her job is very secretive and if it wasn't for people like her we wouldn't be defending this country ." Adeline said firmly making the group leave after a toast to Tosh. Tosh left for the camera and she walked with the two Jacks. " Do you mind if I join you?" Ava's voice asked and she could almost see Jack's eyes widden in surprise. " Not at all Ava. Meet James Harper he is a fellow Captain." Captain Jack said. They talked for a while before Ava left and Jack managed to encourage the Captain to go after her. " So Ava Sunset had a boyfriend." Jack said wiggling his eyebrows at her. " That died for no reason the next day a little suspicious don't you think?" Adeline laughed darkly before finishing her drink the Captain came back angry and stormed off with Jack on his tail. Adeline not wanting to be left alone again followed them kind of feeling like an intruder as Jack told the Captain his story. Then a bomb went off and Jack took off looking for Tosh The Captain with him. She followed them to the dungeons as they waited for the bombs to end. Adeline sat alone for what seemed like hours before they were allowed to leave. When they went back out the two Jacks went back to talking and Jack did a speech about every day being your last. " Is Adeline your woman?" He asked Jack and she caught her breath. " We really only just met, I've got no one." He whispered. " You'll find someone people always do. You just got to keep hope." Adeline gave him a supporting grin. Then a portal came and she gasped not liking the way they opened the rift. She left leaving Jack to say goodbye. It was ten minutes before he came though with Tosh and he looked sad. She closed the portal they walked out and Gwen wrapped Jack in a hug before hugging Tosh exclaiming you made it. She looked towards Adeline who just smiled at her. " Thank you for trying to get us back." She told her. " trying we did it?" Gwen said confused.
" Owen opened the rift Gwen that alone is not worth anyone's life and the damage he's done to it will probably end up making me unable to help anyone." Adeline growled and with that she left not sure if she wanted to help them through what they started.
Adeline's Reign
FanfictionAdeline the ninth and tenth companion of The Doctor and the constant companion of his didn't know how to get herself out of her situation. Her father Lord Clorius was the creator of the universe and she had been running from him her whole life. Adel...