Chapter 45

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Omniscient POV

Everybody lives seem to be taking a turn for the worse instead of better. With the blast from the past but also confession she made Carly might have lost the first and only man that has every loved and cared about her.

After telling Chris the secret she kept buried so deep her words started coming out like vomit and she couldn't stop them. Somehow the conversation went from her trying to explain why she's to distance to confessing that she had cheated on him while away at school. Everything else that left her lips after that became nothing but lies and mumbles to Chris. He couldn't believe what the woman he gave his heart had said to him.

She cheated was the only thing that kept playing over and over in his mind. Even with hearing some of her pleads and crying through the other end of his phone he still couldn't come to terms with this new found news he had just received. Carly tried to explain the best way she could that the guy meant nothing and that she loved her boyfriend and would never do it again but it all was lies to him. Though they haven't exchanged those three words yet Chris felt like he didn't have to because his actions spoke for themselves. The betrayal and the heaviness in his heart was something he hasn't felt since he watched his mother bleed out on top over his step father.

In the middle of her cries the only thing Chris could do was pull the phone away from his ear hitting the end button in the process. Blankness formed over his eyes as the tears slowly dropped from his lids. You could hear the breaking of his heart and the shattering of his soul sound off through his now quiet apartment. He tried to play scenes over in his head of what he could have possibly done for her to feel like she had to step out on him. What wasn't he doing right ? He thought everything was okay in their relationship but maybe he was wrong.

Missed calls and unread IMessages popped up on his screen but the only thing Chris did was look at them all come through one by one.

All from her.

He had no words for Carly but he still want to hold her. With the story form her past he was told no matter how mad and hurt he was Chris just wanted to hold her. Tell her he'll keep her safe. A part of him almost understood why she did what she did. She doesn't trust men. In her mind they all will start off treating her right and showing her love but then end up hurting her. She doesn't open herself up to let anyone in. In many ways Carly reminded him of his mother. So guarded and broken , abused and misused. Letting a man control their actions and their future but it still doesn't justify her choices. It didn't justify his mother's either.

I guess Chris had some issues of his own. Having his flesh and blood make him second choice only made him look for love , the love of a woman , in all the wrong places. He gave his heart thinking that's what women wanted but in the end they just used him. This isn't his first time being cheated on by a girl he loved and one he thought loved him back. This time he thought it was different but once again he was proven wrong.

Another call came through on his phone. He mentally fought himself not to answer but the love he had for Carly couldn't died that easily. With a deep breath and a shaky hand Chris slide over the bar that head popped up at the bottom of his screen before placing his phone back against his ear.

Her sobs instantly made him want to hung up but he knew despite how he felt right now that he had to man up and talk to her. For Carly to open up about her being molested out of nowhere to him means it's been on her mind for some time now. Right now with her going down that dark path and her being so far away from him he didn't want her to do something drastic like harm herself because she couldn't handle the shame and guilt.

"Carly baby calm down please."

All he could hear in response was a whole lot of sorry's and snot being pulled back into her nose.

"I know Love I know but you gotta calm down for me. I'm right here , you gotta breathe baby."

"C-Chris baby...please don't leave m-me. I'm so sorry. Please just don't leave. I....I need you...I love you."

Hearing those words come from her made the young man on the other end of the phone drop his head as his index finger and thumb grip the bridge of his nose. He wanted so much to believe her but he couldn't.

"Chris ?" Sadness was lace all in her voice as she called out his name.

But she got no response just a lot of heavy breathing and a few quiet sniffles. Carly's heart broke even more knowing she had broken the man she cared so deeply for down to the point of tears. Even though no one might not believe her including Chris , she does truly love him and care for him more than she can show.


Preparing herself for the worst Carly took a deep breath because she knew this relationship was over.

"I love you baby but I ain't Shara dat you love me."

"Chris I-"

"Yeah I heard what you said but actions always speak louder than words. I tried to give you da whole and treat you like a queen but I never got nun of dat in return. Only distance and attitude. I understand now with your past why you are so cold but I can't get pass da thought of you with someone else."

Here it comes. Is what she thought to herself.

"I'm here for you. Whenever you need me just call but I can't be ya man. I ain't saying we can't work on us because I do love you and I feel your pain but I want you to feel mine too. Please don't do anything crazy when we hang up because I wanna see and talk to you when you get back in town. I just gotta get through some shot like you."

Nodding as if he could see her scared that her voice would give away that she was crying again.

"Carly you hear me ?"


"Okay...I'll talk you later Car be safe."

With that the conversation ended and both people in that broken relationship cried to themselves.


Soooooook what we thinking of Carly now ????????

And before y'all be so harsh remember "Hurt people hurt people". 🤔💯

Okay now tell me what you thinking 😜😜😜😜😜😜

Okay now tell me what you thinking 😜😜😜😜😜😜

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