Bi Times

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When a friend, family member or even stranger tells you that they're bi, what's the first thing that pops into your head?
Bisexual right?

Well, what if I told you that there's more to my story than that?

Hi, I'm Luka. I'm 23 now and I live alone in a big city that is not my home.

I'm from a small country town in the south, I barely graduated high school and basically just ran away from all of the problems back home.

Who do I miss the most?
That would be Brownie, my dog. He loves me no matter what.
That's the kind of love that I'm searching for without actually looking.

I have a lot of baggage, I'm homeless and living out of my car. I have a low end job and I don't want to become someone else's dependant or problem.
So I don't look for now.
The life of a lonely Bipolar, Bisexual Biped.

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