Chapter 4

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In Garnet's head

Ruby : sapphy there are possibilities that the others might

Sapphire : we need to play are cards right.. That's all we need to do alright Ruby

Ruby : but what if we mess up!!

Sapphire: it's going to be alright ruby

Garnet : it's going to work out even if I have to keep here away from everyone

The night was quiet as she watched you sleep

You POV dream

You felt like you were being pulled by Pearl was trying to get you alone but Garnet pulled on the other half of you
You " l-let me go.. Th-this hurt " everything turned black only a light one you as Garnet walks into view
Garnet " your a gem... You have to be shattered!" she runs towards you
You ran as fast as you could you start crying "i-i mean no harm... Please let me explain "
She grabs you holding you up by your arm with your gem " you can't explain it.... Your from home world... You... Shall die!"she grabs your gem
You squirm until you were back on homeworld blue diamond in front of you "m-my diamond... " You blush saluting to her she picks you up smiling slightly
She clears her throat " my little pet "she pets you gently you smiles as she starts to melt "m-my diamond!.... Is your gem alright?" You slowly wake up by Garnet you stand up running straight into a wall "d-dont hurt me!"
Garnet " I'm not going to hurt you (y/n)" she picks you up you shake gently
Garnet " tell me what happened "
You " i-i.. You tried to kill me " you look away
Garnet paused " I wouldn't do that to you " she hugs you gently
You sniffle "w-well a-and seeing.... My.. I mean... Blue "
Garnet freezes she starts getting cold
You try to swim out "h-hay... Are you alright?" You get out of her grasp
Garnet growls slightly
You back up falling "s-sorry!"
Garnet shook her head "... I didn't mean to scare you... I made eggs and bacon.. "
You nod standing up going to the counter
Steven " how was your sleep?"
You look at him "terrible " you sigh
Garnet set a plate in front of you
You tear up slowly eating the bacon
Steven hugs you out of no where
You jump "l-let go " gently pushing him off
Steven pulls away " I... Sorry"
You " it's ok... " You sigh seeing amethyst come in "hay amy... You can have my plate im.. Going for a walk " you run out making sure nobody is following you you slow down " I wish.. I was back on home world... I miss blue... Bp( Blue Pearl ) and white diamond.. She might get mad easy but she has a soft side... But yellow.... Doesn't " you sniffle sitting on the sand " why... Why did she have to do this to me.. I followed orders if I had any...maybe because I don't know how to use my gem " you sigh looking up at the sky
A girl with glasses and a dress on walks towards you " are you alright?"
You wipe your eyes "yea... Just thinking.... What are you doing?"
Connie " heading over to see steven.. I'm Connie his friend "
You nod " his awake.. I'm living with him " you sigh closing your eyes
Connie " maybe you can join us... We're just going to hang out "
You shook your head " I'm fine... Go have fun "
Connie " I'll see you later " she runs towards the temple
You sigh looking off at the sea
Garnet sits next to you " hay... It's s nice day huh "
You jump up ready to attack
Garnet chuckles at you " it's alright "
You sigh"s-sorry just... Used to... gems trying to kill me... Even if the diamonds said not to.. " You sigh sitting back down
Garnet smiles softly taking off her glasses " it's alright.. Your tough as a lion "
You looking into her eyes blushing thinking ' there beautiful ' you shook your head looking away
Garnet puts them back on
You rub the back of your neck " so.. What do you want Garnet"
Garnet " just making sure that your alright... Since you left in a hurry "
You look down " I'm fine.. Just a lot on my mind "
Garnet " if you ever want to talk about it I'm her you know that right"
You nod " its just... My world has been sucked of.. Shaken like there were asteroids hitting it because of no gravity field... " You gulp " sorry.. I got..sorry " you sigh
Garnet" it's alright (y/n) ' she hugs you " maybe I can train you... You can be like a crystal gem... Connie is training with Pearl so maybe we can "
You blushed " sure... That sounds fun... Just need a weapon... " You smile softly
She stands up with you in her arms " well today is training for connie let's go " she starts running fast
You hold onto her tightly
When you two get home nobody was home but your food was left
Garnet "finish breakfast "
You get down walking over quickly finishing it
Garnet picks you up when your done she steps on the wrap pad as soon as your put down on it, it lights up making you and her fly
You smile standing still
Garnet " not your first time is it"
You shook your head" no... I have been in the beam before " you look up at her
She smiles patting your head " that's good "
You two end up in a slightly broken arena
You get off the wrap pad walking up the stairs with Garnet right behind you
Pearl " keep your legs bent connie "
You see them smiling
Garnet " hay guys "
Pearl swings around " oh will you be joining us for today?"
Garnet " thought (y/n) should get some training in as well "
Pearl " well alright " she throws a sword you, you duck catching the handle
Garnet "Pearl!"
Pearl " I was trying to throw it to you "
You sigh " I still got it.. So no need for yelling " you slowly walk down the stairs
Connie " that was a great catch "
Steven nods
Pearl makes more hollo pearls
You look at them " so just fight them?"
Pearl " yea go right ahead "
You nod holding the sword towards them as they started running towards you you gulp shaking your head swinging your sword only to collide with the hollos you smiling pushing force on it slowly over powering you spin trying to attack it but it sword hits yours you growl slightly as you fought it you were waiting for the right moment you trip it cutting right though it only having a few cuts on your face and your right arm
Pearl " Great work!"
You walk over" a little to easy not enough movement " you say softly
Pearl " your hurt "
You shrug" if I can't hand this then how am I going to deal with more painful wounds" you sit next to steven
Steven " are you sure I could heal you " he licks his hand
You " I'm fine... "You sigh
Garnet hands you a water bottle glaring at Pearl
Connie walks over " we're getting a lot done today "

Garnet's pov

She walks over to Pearl pulling her for a special talk "why were you staring at... (y/n)... Ass... She's under age "
Pearl blushes "I wasn't staring at her... Butt... "
Garnet picked her up by her shirt

Your POV

You see Garnet pick up Pearl " g-garnet... What's wrong?"
Garnet looks back playing her down " nothing.. "she says clenching her fist
Pearl gulps "y-yea"
Garnet walks towards you "come on guys... That's enough training for one day "
Connie "alright mis Garnet "
Steven "alright Garnet "
You nod as she picks you all up
Garnet "let's go to the arcade.. You all did good "
You saw Pearl tearing up looking at you
Garnet starts walking towards the path
You sigh laying your head on her

Someones so jealous
Hope you all enjoyed this

Word count 1330

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