Chapter 5

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Garnet had taken you all to the arcade
You snuck away not really wanting to play any of the games going out walking around town until amethyst pounced on you
Amethyst " sup dude "
You " umm well Garnet... Almost hurt Pearl... And Pearl was crying before I left "
Amethyst " woah... Maybe she likes you to" she chuckles
You went pal " u-umm.. Well that's... Ok I guess... " You push her off gently hugging yourself " I don't know what to do... I don't want t -" she was trying to grab the bandage on your arm you knock her over "d-dont touch.... It's not for you " you growl trying to fix it
Amethyst " why do you even have it?"
You" none of your business!" You scoot away sighing holding your gem
Amethyst " sorry didn't mean to.... " she pats your back
Garnet walks over " there you are (y/n)" she clenched her teeth picking you up
You " welp see you amy "
Garnet takes you back inside the arcade " what were you doing?"
You " exploring.... Why.. Am I not aloud?"
Garnet "... You can do what you want I just don't want you hurt "
You turn your head " I'm not special "
Garnet " you are..... "
You " I am what?"
Garnet ".. I can't say at the moment.. Maybe in the future I can "
You blush" a-alright... I'm going to see what stevens up to " you get out of her grasp running off finding steven playing air hooky with connie
Steven " 4:7... How are you so good at this connie"
Connie " I got good reflexes "
You poke her side as steven gets a point
Connie " that's not far "
Steven chuckles " 5:7" he chuckles
You " couldn't resist doing that con " you smile watching them play after a while Garnet comes over " time to go home connie... It's getting late "
Steven "awww already?"
Garnet chuckles " yes already "
Connie " I'll see you on Friday alright?"
Steven nods " bye connie "
Garnet picks you and steven up
You sigh holding on
Steven " tomorrow I'll introduce you to peri and lapis "
You nod slightly "alright... "
Garnet " hmm well be safe.. "
You look up as night falls you smile " it's a nice night "
Garnet "we can star gaze at the temple"smiles
You shrug "sounds good "the temple comes into view
Garnet puts you down she went inside
You sit on the stairs looking at Orion
Pearl " the middle star is home world"
You smile " that's.. Neat.. " You look at her
Pearl blushes slightly " well... I know it's hard.. To have a changed life... "
You nod ".. Are you alright... You were crying.. Earlier today "
Pearl "i-im fine.. I just had something in my way "
You nod looking at the middle star on Orion's belt thinking ' does blue... Miss me ' you tear up
Pearl brings you into a hug which caused you to jump " I didn't mean to freak you out there (y/n)"
You pull away "i-im sorry Pearl.. But I don't think I'm ready to.. Give in... I... I " you sigh looking out to the sea
Pearl " I understand... " she stands up " Ill see you latter " she walks into the house
You sing softly " Blue My diamond I will not be broken... For I shall be reunited with you with your glimmering diamond Authority... What am I going to do to get back... " You stop as you hear foot steps you blush softly
Garnet " your.. A great singer... " she holds a bag of popcorn bag " want some?"
You nod slightly grabbing some eating slowly
Garnet " good huh.. It's the cheesy popcorn "
You smile" i-its good "
Garnet took off her visors "(y/n)... Was blue.. Your.... Diamond to.. "
You nod slightly " i-i haven't seen any other Garnet's on home world.. Are you like.... Rare?"
Garnet " I'm sorta rare but not at the same time "
You " umm... Alright... So uncommon right "
Garnet " yea.. Let's go with that "
You nod looking at home world "... So... Your probably an era one... "
Garnet" I was before this planet... I was mad on another planet "
You look at her " that's cool "
Garnet " it was planet 628 on sector 6"
You looked confused
Garnet " it's near the human zoo"
You nod " oh I was in there for a bit before.. Experiments " you let out a sigh
Garnet nods"I understand you don't want to talk about it "
You think '.... She is nice maybe I can show my gem.... But if I do I might get ' you shook your head "g-garnet cam I show you something?"
Garnet nods "yes "
You take off the bandages showing her your musgravite gem
Her eyes go wide " your part gem?"
You nod "y-yes..p-please don't hurt me" you whimper
Garnet gently touches it " musgravite... Is very rare.. Rarer then sapphires... "
You pull away slightly "d-dont touch.. It feels weird.. "
Garnet chuckles " alright.... You might as well show the others "
You nod standing up slowly walking into "e-everyone... I'm a gem like you " you show them
Amethyst " woah cool gem"
Pearl " do.. You know how to use your weapon?"
You shook your head "i-i don't even know my weapon "
Garnet " we'll find out soon enough "
Steven walks over looking at it " so cool.... Looks like an emerald... "
Garnet "it's.. A musgravite steven"
He nods " maybe you can sleep with me.. I have enough room "
You nod smiling softly as he leads you up the stairs you lay down with him getting comfy

In the morning

You wake up with steven wearing a chess burger backpack " come on (y/n)"
You sit up"alright.. Where we going?"
Steven " to the barn.. Remember going to see lapis and peridot "
You nod getting up walking over to the warp pad as it activated you look at him"... What time is it?"
Steven " 10"
You sigh "alright " you two arrived at the barn
Steven "lapis.. Peridot!"
You see a small green lady and a blue one come out you blush thinking of blue d
Lapis " hello steven "
Peridot "who is this.. Person with you?"
You "im(y/n)... Nice to meet the both of you "
Lapis smiles growing wings " wanna go on a fly?"
You gulp "sure?" You were quickly picked up by her into the air you go "w-woah "
Lapis " great view huh"
You look around "u-umm yea.. "
Lapis holds you tightly slowly landing on the barn
You look down " well umm "
Lapis holds her hand out " I'm lapis... Lapis Lazuli "
You smile shaking her hand" so the others peridot "
Lapis " yea she's my room mate "
You chuckles "c-could you help me down?"
Lapis picked you up flying down
You " thanks lapis"
Lapis " no problem "

You were pulled into the barn by peridot" umm ok?"
Lapis stares at her
Steven chuckles nervously
Peridot " I hope you like our home... It's quite and nice "
Pumpkin comes out barking
You smiles bending down petting him" hay.. There little guy "
Pumpkin licks your hand
You stand up chuckling " cute"
Lapis" steven grew him... His our pet"
You " pretty cool... If I say so myself " looks at her smiling slightly
Lapis smiles " heh yea it is "

Time skip brought yo You by steven Mellon's

You look at the sun set " and here comes the best part of the day "
Lapis " you get to see all the stars.. And homeworld from here"
You nod " yea.. I miss it " you hug yourself
Lapis kissed your cheek
You almost fall off the roof "wh-what the " you looked at her shocked
Lapis " im sorry.. It's just... " she looks off " I feel your pain not being able to fit in... "
You scoot away slightly "y-yea.. "
Lapis gets closer " you just want someone that understands.. You am I right"
You "s-sorta.... " You look around trying to see if steven was around
Steven was talking to peridot
You gulp
Lapis wraps an arm around of you
You "i-im not ready for anything.. A-alright"
Lapis " you don't have to be " she whispers into your ear
You just let yourself slide off the barn landing on the ground "o-owww... " You whispers trying to stand up but your foot hurt "oww "
Steven runs over " are you ok (y/n)?!"
You " I hurt my foot.... No biggie but can we go?"
Lapis lips to you " I like the hunt "
You blush " l-lets go home... Please "
Steven picked you up carrying you to the warp pad warping back to the house you hopped over to the couch "hmm "
Steven "..what happened"
You " I fell... "You say quietly thinking ' I had to get away... I didn't want.. Lapis kissing on me becau-'
Steven snaps you out of your thought by putting spit on your foot
You jumped " why did you do.. It feels better " you smile softly
Steven" I have healing spit "
You look at him " that's.. Werid "
Steven shrugs " yea but it's a power I have "
You hug his gently " thanks... Little bro " you smile
Steven" d-did you call me.. "
You let go standing up"i-im sorry.. I "
Steven"it's ok you can call me that if you want "

Hope yo liked it...
Word count 1525

Garnet x female half gem reader Where stories live. Discover now