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"No! I will not sell my house for 500,000 galleons!" Heiro said, looking furious. He knew that his Godric's Hollow house wasn't really his, but he grew up thinking it was his. He started to walk out of the Nott Manor, apparating to his own manor. From there, he proceeded to the Government National Election.

He personally voted for his dad as the new Minister of Magic and voted Lucius Malfoy as the Undersecretary. He knew that those two would win anyways.

"Harry?" Dumbledore said as Heiro passed him. Heiro looked up and plastered a fake smile. "Pro-Professor Dumbledore! Thank Merlin your here! S-some deatheaters kid-kidnapped me and I was able to es-escape when I grabbed one of them as they were ap-apparating. I don't even understand whats happening now!" Heiro said quite convincingly. It was all part of his plan to get into the order once more.

"Well, for now I will be temporarily leaving you in Diagon Alley with Fred and George while I look into how you were captured from your aunt and uncles house. Take this portkey to the twins and give them this letter." Dumbledore said, handing Heiro the portkey and a letter.

Heiro was sent to Fred and George's shop, where he found the two boys doing something rather inappropriate. He made some noise to tell them he's there than fainted, not waking up until three days later.

Sorry for the short update....

I have my Term End Exams on Monday to Thursday next week and I have both Filipino and English Exams on the first day.... I haven't really reviewed that much and the school doesn't allow us to leave after our exams. Apart from the fact that I have only one more chapter pre written for most of my books is kind of stressful too. Another thing is that I have several new teachers so I don't really know how their exam is going to be...

My point is that updates will probably be posted at around 12 midnight Philippine Time

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