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My mother could never ever become my friend; too busy in her household chores and pursuing the passions of her life; always looking upon me as her newborn child; even though I catapulted to the greatest of heights,

My father could never ever become my friend; able to view nothing else but the colossal edifices of the robotic corporate empire before his eyes all night and day; with an occasional pat here and there on my head; too busy earning for the inevitable needs of the gargantuan family,

My sister could never ever become my friend; profoundly engaged in her own family and the crankiness of impetuous youth; with most of our conversations eventually resulting into the most thunderously demented of squabbles,

My grandfather could never ever become my friend; staunchly following his age old rigidly tyrannical ideologies; which I thoroughly detested and severely shirked to follow,

My grandmother could never ever become my friend; being the ultimate apostle

of orthodoxy and implementing only what the scriptures said; whilst I was one who solely listened to my passionate heart's commands,

My brother could never ever become my friend; as pangs of inconsolable jealously radiated in gay abundance from our persona's; in order to become the favorite child of our revered parents,

My wife could never ever become my friend; as we virtually digressed in every opinion; being the indefatigably scowling and blasphemously blaming north pole and south pole; contained in a single house,

My children could never ever become my friend; as they were just irascible infants; whose unendingly hysterical shrieks made me plead an unfathomable times on my knees; let alone whisper the word sanctity,

My uncle's and aunts could never ever become my friend; as they were profusely party circuit; those same very sanctimonious shows of meaningless drudgery; that I spat upon even in the wildest of my dreams,

My neighbors could never ever become my friend; as they lead life like a frigidly dysfunctional robotic clock; whilst every instant of my impoverished life; was enshrouded with unabashed sensuousness and spontaneity,

My colleagues could never ever become my friend; timelessly plotting schemes

to bury me alive in my corpse; in their parasitically unceasing quest of escalating to the pinnacle of blood soaked success,

My surroundings could never ever become my friend; as they too in their salaciously inebriated and adulterated state; stabbed me a zillion times to adopt the path of untruthful commercialism; whilst I eternally wanted to mélange each beat of my heart with the rudiments of nature divine,

My countrymen could never ever become my friend; as nearly each one of them

endlessly ran after the currency coin; time and again at the cost of the soil which they inhabited; whilst I perpetually considered the beats of love to be above every dimension and money on this blessed planet,

My teachers could never ever become my friend; because there was always this

stringent definition of respectability that came in between; our openheartedly divulging the innermost secrets of our hearts,

My profession could never ever become my friend; as I couldn't play even the

most infinitesimal of games with it; had to bow down before it like the ultimate power before granting it that unassailably meticulous touch; so that the world accepted it and I symbiotically survived,

My great ancestors and far off siblings/kin could never ever become my friend; as I hardly knew anything of them other than their names; and it wasn't my habit to entrust unshakable blind faith; into the most unchartered of territories,

My servants could never ever become my friend; as I never considered them as

servants in the first place; whilst they unstoppably reminded me of the same ghastly discrimination of this barbaric society; by licking dirt right in front of my eyes although I severely reprimanded them,

My very own breath could never ever become my friend; as I had the most insane of panic attacks with each inhalation of mine; overtly skeptical and unsure of whether another of its kind would find way into my nostrils or not,

Yet. I wasn't ever desperate and alone. Yet I wasn't ever devastated and betrayed. Yet I wasn't ever paralyzed and depressed. As I forever had the hands of my best friend: "The Lord Almighty" to soothe my brow; to uninterruptedly and unabashedly talk to; in my times of duress and exultation; in my times of life and death; who made me feel closer and closer to my mission of ameliorating all sick and deprived humanity;

who made me feel themost unconquerably priceless organism alive .

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now