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With every majestic sunset making way for the Immaculate moon; that astoundingly depicted the multifarious shades of this Universe—which was a gift from the Omnipotent Creator,

With every draught of exuberant wind; that evolved into a whole new mist of rhapsodic excitement; out of sheer and insipid nothingness,

With every dainty petal of the poignant rose; that permeated a scent of oneness in the otherwise monotonously subjugated atmosphere,

With every vivacious stroke of the mesmerizing rainbow; that charmed the entire Universe; fraught with its own inexplicably unsolicited misery,

With every infinitesimal speck of the atmosphere; that invincibly clung to the bodies of us living beings; befriending an entire Universe of solidarity-from its own realms of isolation and despair,

With every step that marched forward to maintain the royal equilibrium of life; ensure that life went on despite anything and everything; but only by the grace of God,

With every flight of unbridled fantasy; that made even the most inconspicuously ordinary of living being; catapult beyond the definitions of desire,

With every squeak that escaped the throat; triumphantly piercing the bizarre sullenness and silence of the atmosphere with a desire to be embraced by one and all,

With every sensuously tantalizing night; that unfurled into the morning of a bountifully optimistic and brilliant dawn,

With every solemn pledge of goodwill in the graveyard; that bedazzled the ghastly silence of remorseful death; with a new found longing to disseminate love and life,

With every rumble of inscrutable thunder in the sky; that brought alongwith it the optimistic promise of rain; an infallible reason to cheer in the aisles of ecstasy,

With every inimitably righteous footprint left on soil; that carved an entire pathway of unflinching goodness; love and peace; as the quintessential elements to lead life with,

With every idea that uninhibitedly germinated from the brain; blossoming into boundless sparks of freshness; to unite the entire planet into the religion of love,

With every affable outgrowth that joyously leapt out of soil; instantaneously engulfed with the blessed rays of the Sun; after an equally compassionate cuddling by mother soil,

With every handshake executed between people of all race; religion and color; paving way for the most immortal and unassailable religion of humanity,

With every lump of frigidly asphyxiating snow; that perseveringly labored its way to becoming the most adorable stream of love; as its eventual outcome,

With every step traversing on the road not taken; permeating robotic chunks of the atmosphere with tantalizing splashes of adventure,

With every anecdote of failure that strengthened one's resolve to succeed all the more; metamorphosing every bit of morbid ash into an opportunity to holistically survive,

My faith in God grew; as irrespective of whatever has happened or would happen from now on; I know it would be for the good—

As God is my faith; God is my life- God gives me the power to symbiotically survive with one and all till the time he commanded-

And whenever he decides to take me away from this earth of his; I sincerely pray from my heart and soul to him; to be able to utter his name in poetry and song; when I felt I was dying.

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now