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To emulate a bird was very easy; as all you had to do was spread your arms wide; pretend to flap them in mighty draughts of air; standing on the pinnacle of the gorgeous valley,

To emulate a lion was very easy; as all you had to do was open your mouth wide; run in the midst of the densely foliated jungle; emanating thunderously roaring sounds,

To emulate an ant was very easy; as all you had to do was crawl painstakingly on the floor; miserably edge towards the loaf of freshly baked bread kept delectably on the kitchen table,

To emulate the horse was very easy; as all you had to do was vibrantly gallop in the sprawling fields of paddy; making a pathetically neighing noise every once a minute,

To emulate a snake was very easy; as all you had to do was adorn yourself in gruesomely black leather; slither enigmatically on the floor as the mystical rays of moonlight; illuminated the pool of darkness,

To emulate a dog was very easy; as all you had to do was diffuse a hoarsely barking sound; wag your posterior in ecstatic jubilation at witnessing your loved ones,

To emulate a pig was very easy; as all you had to do was greedily gobble mammoth chunks of food; wildly slurp any liquid or juice lying haphazardly spilled before you,

To emulate a Kangaroo was very easy; as all you had to do was bounce ebulliently in space with supremely spongy springs attached to your feet; gleefully leap to places you wanted to frequent; instead of traversing by naked foot,

To emulate a scorpion was very easy; as all you had to do paint lethal venom on your nails; point them diabolically at unsuspecting strangers that confronted you in your way,

To emulate the fish was very easy; as all you had to do was swim euphorically under the sea; nimbly swishing your hands and legs; with a cylinder of fresh oxygen strapped adroitly to both your slender shoulders,

To emulate a cockroach was very easy; as all you had to do was remain unwashed for boundless weeks; keep incessantly loitering around the public lavatory; inhaling the scent that wafted with stupendous relish,

To emulate a chimpanzee was very easy; as all you had to do was to scream hysterically each time you were struck by an urge to whisper; jump acrobatically from

one branch of the tree to the other; in search of fleshy fruits,

To emulate an elephant was very easy; as all you had to do was inflate your persona like a colossal gas balloon; tread triumphantly on the soil of the jungle as the largest organism existing in the rampant outgrowths,

To emulate the mosquito was very easy; as all you had to do was infuriatingly buzz in everyone's ear you met; exasperate people beyond the point of frustration with your monotonously boring tunes,

To emulate the grass hopper was very easy; as all you had to do was embellish your entire island of skin with emerald green; camouflage your visage brilliantly within the lanky stalks of grass on the hills; sleep in stark open with a festoon of iridescent stars

shining; clinging to the leaf,

To emulate the Bat was very easy; as all you had to do was adorn yourself in a hideous cloak of ominous black; stick astoundingly close to the mortuary wall

with repugnant fire blazing in your eyes; a menacing desire to kill lingering furtively in your heart,

To emulate the donkey was very easy; as all you had to do was stand erect in the middle of the crowded street with your shaven scalp; outrageously kick your heels

at anyone who ventured to come even frugal inches by your side,

To emulate the cat was very easy; as all you had to do was cunningly manipulate your every move; greedily guzzle the bottle of pure milk which the mother had kept stored for her new born infant,

but it was simply impossible to emulate the Almighty Creator; as first and foremost you would have to evolve all of the abovementioned; instill signs of palpable life on this incomprehensibly vast planet; when infact you didn't even know the slightest to

create your very own being?

bidi-font-style:italic'>create your very own being? 

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now