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Not even an infinitesimal trifle infront of the greatest of Mountains; the most indomitably towering and unconquerably intrepid of their Herculean epitomes,

Not even a diminutive trifle infront of the greatest of Philosophers; the most sacredly learned and pricelessly inimitable of their sermons on the chapters of symbiotic existence,

Not even a mercurial trifle infront of the greatest of Forests; the most majestically untamed and insuperably parading of their indomitable lions,

Not even an evanescent trifle infront of the greatest of Warriors; the most

scintillatingly patronizing and fearlessly infallible of their impregnable swords,

Not even an ethereal trifle infront of the greatest of Oceans; the most fabulously triumphant and unflinchingly undulating of their glorious waves,

Not even an oblivious trifle infront of the greatest of Roses; the most sensuously inebriating and marvelously unbridled of their pristine scent,

Not even an abstemious trifle infront of the greatest of Seductresses; the most evocatively tantalizing and supremely glistening of their beautifully embellished bellies,

Not even a vespered trifle infront of the greatest of Magicians; the most fantastically resplendent and wonderfully emollient of their intriguing tricks,

Not even an infidel trifle infront of the greatest of Artists; the most poignantly heartfelt and gloriously uninhibited of their boundless creations,

Not even an inconspicuous trifle infront of the greatest of Moon; the most resplendently effervescent and exhilaratingly enlightening of its supernatural shine,

Not even a parsimonious trifle infront of the greatest of Curreny Coin; the most supremely accentuated and royally comforting of its indispensably brilliant glitter,

Not even an oblivious trifle infront of the greatest of Institution; the most splendidly fabulous and unsurpassably eclectic of its innovative teaching patterns,

Not even an obsolete trifle infront of the greatest of Politicians; the most

manipulatively uncanny and unsparingly pulverizing of their brutal ways,

Not even a disappearing trifle infront of the greatest of Castles; the most

gorgeously adorned and indefatigably unassailable of their ardently inimitable thrones,

Not even a vacillating trifle infront of the greatest of Destiny Lines; the most irrefutably unfurling and inevitably emollient of their enigmatic pathways,

Not even a feckless trifle infront of the greatest of Nightingales; the most unbelievably serendipitous and holistically purifying of astounding melodies,

Not even a fugitive trifle infront of the greatest of Hearts; the most Immortally unshakable and passionately mellifluous of their perpetual beats,

Not even an extinguishing trifle infront of the greatest of Lives; the most synergistically truthful and limitlessly altruistic of their vivid ideologies,

Not even an unmentionable trifle infront of the greatest of Tornadoes; the

most unrelentingly unstoppable and timelessly unimpeachable of their virgin winds,

But if ever this head had to bow down infront of anyone of this spell bindingly fathomless Universe; then it would be and forever be none other than; the invincibly sacred feet of my Mother who bore me in her divinely womb for 9 painstaking months and the grace of the perpetually Omnipotent Almighty Lord; who bestowed upon me breath to live and wholesomely created me.

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now