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Neither and ever infront of my very own mother; who'd borne me 9 excruciating months in her womb; compassionately safeguarding me even today; a 28 yrs later; against the most infinitesimal trace of the


Neither and ever infront of my very own father; who'd indefatigably worked round the clock; unsparingly abrading the heels of his soles against the merciless corporate tarmac; in order to lavishly attend to each of my minuscule needs,

Neither and ever infront of my very own sister; who'd herself undergone countless an ordeal; just in order to ensure that there always illuminated a smile on my face; and my parents as well as the world only looked at me,

Neither and ever infront of my very own grandmother; who'd astoundingly awakened several a time in the wee hours of midnight; to cater to my every eccentric demand; ecstatically run with my baby legs for unending a distance; with only the moon as savior and her ailing sight,

Neither and ever infront of my very own grandfather; who'd torrentially showered every conceivable gift on this planet upon my childish demands; many a time using droplets of his blood when his treasury of currency coin had disastrously exhausted,

Neither and ever infront of my very own brother; who'd never left a single stone unturned in his endless search for me; as I timelessly wandered in fantasy amidst a sea of humans; at every perceivable direction of sound,

Neither and ever infront of my very own uncle; who'd tirelessly spent every instant of his life; trying to keep me in the most euphoric of spirits; alleviate the inexplicable graves of depression that had sunk deep down into my soul,

Neither and ever infront of my very own aunt; who'd loved and adored

me more than her own children; proudly introducing me to her friends and the rest of the world; as the inimitable and very best,

Neither and ever infront of my very own pet; who'd wagged his tail more ardently than the fierily mid-day Sun; everytime the nimble sound of my intricate feet tinkered near his ever-alert ears,

Neither and ever infront of my very own shadow; who'd incorrigibly followed me since the first cry of ebullient life; unflinchingly agglutinated to me like a faithful soldier; irrespective of my sporadic moods and abuse,

Neither and ever infront of my very own niece; who'd virtually exhausted every of her rhapsodic effort; to mischievously transform each tear-drop that dribbled from my eye; into a fountain of perennially fructifying love,

Neither and ever infront of my very own cousin; who'd built countless a castle with me on the glistening sea shores; being always there as my best friend; when everyone else in the world had uncouthly abandoned me,

Neither and ever infront of my very own dwelling; who'd invincibly sequestered me from the most ferocious of maelstrom and disaster; infallibly braved the most extreme wilderness of the sadistic night; whilst I slept in its interiors like

an unparalleled crown prince,

Neither and ever infront of my very own neighbor; who'd arrived by my side at the faintest of my cry; be it in the wee hours of night or when atrocious bombs rained left-right-center in wartime; who turned up when some of my closest of blood-relations had deserted me,

Neither and ever infront of my very own heart; who'd perpetually stayed the closest to my inexplicably trembling chest; timelessly entwining every beat of my ordinarily destitute life with the spirit of immortal love,

Neither and ever infront of my very own daughter; who'd forever given me infinite reasons to smile and remain alive; with her divinely inarticulate mumbling; which knew no barriers of caste; creed; religion; status or tribe,

Neither and ever infront of my very own in-laws; who'd tolerated my every indescribable idiosyncrasy; shunting every aspect of my anomalous behavior with an unbreakable wall of silence,

Neither and ever infront of my very own wife; who'd impregnably stood by my side in my times of good and bad; not inspiring me the slightest but yet and nevertheless resigning to her fate; and accepting me the way that I was,

But. If at all I wholeheartedly laughed; cried;sang; danced; joked; proliferated; sketched; poeticized; fantasized; liberated;evolved; adventured; slept; triumphed; flirted; wailed; whistled; lived anddied; infront of somebody; then it was none else than the mosque of myOmnipotent Creator. 

1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now