Just One Yesterday

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Sorry the update took so long!!! It's bc I'm trying to work really hard in school bc if I do my mum says she'll buy me Austin Mahone tickets!!! (Mostly bc the girls are going on tour with him lol)

Ps. Omg guys my friend found LTLA on wattpad


~Camila's POV~

-the present day-

"Has she gotten out of her room yet?" I heard Ally ask Normani from the other side of my door "No. It's been weeks since she did" her voice is a little shaky and I could tell she'd been crying. The others are grieving so am I. I almost let out a chuckle, how can I cope? The love of my life's gone. Every waking minute I ask myself 'What now?' all my time has been revolved around her, now I just.....I....can't anymore. I can't do this.

I check my phone and see that my mentions on twitter are blowing up, and missed calls from Demi, Wes, Perrie, Jade, And Drew and texts from other people. I looked at my lockscreen and I broke down into tears - what felt like - the millionth time this week, it was of Lauren and I. She had her hands firmly on my waist, my back against the wall, our noses grazing each other and my mouth curling into a smile. My lips inches from from Lauren's. We looked so happy, like nothing could tear us apart. I huffed "Well one thing did" I said aloud. I reached for a tissue to wipe my tears, but they flowed uncontrollably. I dialed an all-too-familiar number and as usual it went straight to voicemail "Hi, you've reached Lauren. You know what to do, just leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Byee!". I've been doing this for a while now, but I just can't seem to stop "Hey Lauren" I say chocking on a sob "I....really don't know why you left me. Why....can't...y-you....just come back to me okay? I love you, do you hear me? I love you, god dammit" The beep rang through my ears signaling that the voicemail is over since it allows only a limited amount of time for you to talk.

A knock came at my door "Camila?". "What Dinah?" I snap and I didn't apologize for it, I look into her eyes and the bags under it were deep, she'd been restless and crying "I-uh-um I brought you pizza". She placed the plate on my side table "I just thought you'd want something to eat, maybe come have brunch with us downstairs?" her tone was hopeful. "Just...." all that anger and sadness built up inside of me just came out all at once "WOULD YOU ALL JUST FUCK OFF! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! UGHHH!!". Dinah's face looked shocked and hurt, my features softened "Dinah I'm sorry, I...I haven't been myself since...since...I didn't mean that, I'm sorry". She smiled pityfully. 

(A/N: omg guys Im writing this in media class i feel so badass :p lol)

Dinah left my room and headed downstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Wes, "Hello?"

"Wesley? Its..."

"Camila. I know I have caller ID." he sounded so down. 

"I was wondering if you and Drew would  like to have brunch with me and the girls?

"Yeah okay" He sounded so down.

I took a deep breath and opened my bedroom,door for what seemed like ages and slowly walked to,the diningtable on the main floor. "Camila,c'mon" gestured Ally "I made your favourite chocolate chip pancakes". I smiled in what seemed like forever but turned into a scorn after remembering it was tradition whenever we're home after a four on a Friday that Lauren would be the one to cook me those pancakes. I reluctantly Sta down and stabbed 3 pancakes with my fork into my plate, "I'll get it" said Normani quietly when the doorbell rang 15minutes later, "Oh!" Mani's voice echoed all the way from the door "I didn't expect you guys to be here". "Mila invited us" I hear Drew's deep voice, all 3 of them walked into our diningroom. "We...uh we got your mail" says Wes ruffling his hair and placing the stack of papers on the table , "How'd you get pass the gate and the paps?" asked Ally

Promise Me (Sequel to Learn To Love Again Camren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now