Step Off The Edge With Me (Part 1)

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A/N: omg guys have u heard the girls' cover of 'all of me'? I literally broke down crying, it made me stop self-harming bc it reminded me that the girls love me and my hope is them and thats more than enough for me. So if ur suffering from depression or anything and u need someone to talk to, im here for you. Somebody loves you, I promise

*pic of Willand Elizabeth on the side*

~Author's POV~

"Well Lauren" said William "Can you sit up?" she didnt answer but instead said "Camila...Camila...ugh er....Camz" Lauren struggled to even lift a single finger nut managed to hold up her hnad up, pointing to the orange lifeboat. William looked at her confused, "He's breathing! He has a pulse!" he heard his sister say about the mystery male, Will realized Lauren wanted something from the float and rushed towards it. He then saw a photograph of Lauren and another girl with a crack frame, he took out the photo from the frame and ran back to Lauren. 

"Let's take them up to the house" said William in panic while lifting the brunette into his arms, with Lauren still clutching the photo in her hand, afraid to let go. The boy saw his sister lift the man Lauren was with to his feet, his obviously doing better than the woman in his arms. the 2 siblings brought the brunette and green-eyed boy into their living room, "Dad! Dad!" cried Elizabeth, Charles Wolverhampton heard his daughter's cries from their vineyard and dropped prefectly harvested grapes and scurried towards his house. He burst though the door "Will! Elizabeth!", "Dad please help" said William from their living room, Charles approached his children and couldn't believe his eyes. "Bloody hell! What is going in here? Who are these people?!". Will was on his knees trying to controld the blood flow from Lauren's thigh and control her breathing, her chest heaving. Elizabeth was on the floor trying to help Keaton. "I'll explain later" says Will "Just help us". "ARRGHHH!!" Keaton yelled in pain as Elizabeth tried to pop his dislocated bone in his leg back in its socket, "I've got this" her father said "Whats your name, son?". 


"Now Keaton, I need you to bear with me", the ash-blond noy nodded, Charles placed his hands on the popped bone "1...2...3!", "FUC---AGGHHHH!!". "Liz, quick get the gaze bandage" said he father, Charles bandaged Keaton's shakey leg and ordered his daughter to place his on the small couch. "Dad she wont stop bleeding!" said Will, Charles knelt beside his son and Lauren. "T-There is this peice of glass stuck in her leg" he said, assuming it was from the shattered photo frame. Charles gripped the suprisingly large glass embroidered in Lauren's leg, heavy breathing can be heard from the girl's mouth. Without warning, he pulled the glass straight out of Lauren's leg, she screamed so loud you'd think people could hear it from Narnia. "Will, what is going on here?" demanded his father, the boy explained the whole situation as quickly as he could.

"Are they staying here?"

"Of course William! We can't let them go in their condition, that would be barbaric! Besides, a trip to the city is an 8-day tip m'boy, I can't exactly take them there".

--2 hours later--

"And that's how we ended I guess" said Lauren sitting up from the couch and telling the Wolverhamptons how she and Keaton got there. "And who's that? The woman in the picture" asked Elizabeth pointing to the photo the older woman was holding, "Oh....that's...." Lauren choaked just saying her name "Camila. My fiance". "Are you guys in love?" aksed a curious Elizabeth, Lauren wanted to cry at the thought of her Camila, alone, heartbroken, did she think she was dead? Oh god, Lauren thought, what if Camila does think she's dead?. Lauren puts her thoughts aside, smiled and said "Yeah.....very much". "Is there anyway of contacting the US?" Keaton asked, "I'm afraid not. We have no internet here, the city is very far from here, I don't think you'll be able to make it". "What?" says the green-eyed brunette "We can make it....I'm doesn't matter how long it takes to get to the city. I need.....I have to", "The path is very trecherous. You won't make 2 days in that trip, I'm sorry Lauren". 

"I'll go make tea" said Will. "They don't know who we are" Keaton whipered into Lauren's ear, "Yeah" she whispered back "Even better". 

Lauren sighed lifted her shirt a little bit just until her upper right hip, visibly showing her anchor tattoo. She lightly grazed her finger tips over the permanent symbol and whispered to herself what she said to Camila whenever she was in need of hope "Step off the edge with me, I love you"


I KNOW I KNOW SHORT CHAPTER. i'm sorry it took so long its just im so busy ahhhhhhhhh

who's POV next?


till next time ;)

You know you missed me xoxo,

Althea Tomlinson ;)

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