Avoiding the Hurt

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((Pretend Blake is 18, it will make sense later and there is a little message thing in the author's note :)))

Blake knew that George did something. Something he shouldn't have done. But instead of ruining what they had, the brunette tried to act as if he knew nothing of his other side.

Blake was afraid of change. If something bad had happened, he would try everything within his will to restore it's original state.

Like say he and his friend had an argument that ended badly, he would go out of his way to buy his friends favourite sweets, write an apology letter and explain why he said what he said. Even if he was 100% sure it was his friends fault.

Another example would be when his bully  (when he was younger) would attack him and use violence against him, he would do the exact same thing. His ugly past shaped him into the afraid boy he is now and no one could help him.

So when Blake had answered the phone George had left while he went to the bathroom and found out that the blonde was cheating, he did everything to avoid the fact he did.

One night he blurted it out to Reece but had kindly asked him not to tell anyone.

He had to explain to the caramel blonde boy why he couldn't tell anyone, leaving out some details of his past. Reece understood and promised to Blake that he wouldn't tell anyone. And he really stood by his word.

It was a week later and Blake was sitting in his room, staring at the ceiling, avoiding his thoughts as best he could. He didn't want the emotional pain, the physical pain, the traumatic pain, any pain for that matter as he hates being hurt. He hates change.

So, instead to distract himself, he grabbed his keys and drove away. As much as the brown-eyed boy tried to not think about what happened the more he did. His mind raced with the dirty images of the man he loved with someone else. Thoughts of the blonde thinking he was useless, worthless and a horrible excuse for a human being. I mean, why else would George be cheating on him?

With all his thoughts coursing through his mind, he forgot he had reached his destination. The local ice-cream parlour. It's where he has been going for the past week to try and calm him down or at least help him forget.

He hadn't talked to George about what happened. Some people would think this was weird but he wasn't some people. He was different from some people.

"Hi, Charlie," the brunette mumbled as he walked in the door. Charlie was someone else he told about George. So, Charlie would let him in after hours and they would chat about things. The raven haired male knew how to distract him, despite the fact of only knowing him a week.

"What will we be having today, Blake?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow in a questioning manner. He lifted the ice-cream scoop and rinsed it through the bucket of water it was resting in.

"Um, I'll have vanilla, plain and boring. Probably what George thinks of me. That's why he got somebody else" ((your love has gone cold you're intertwining your soul with somebody else)) Blake let out and exasperated sigh after he let his words fall from his lips. The brunette reached up his skinny hand to reach for the tub of ice-cream and sat down in his usual booth. Charlie followed suit and they were both eating ice-cream and sitting in silence.

"So, what was eventful that happened in your day, Blake?" The 18 year old boy asked, shovelling another scoop of cookie dough in his mouth.

"Band practice and meetings, you?" He responded, his eyes fixated on his fumbling hands messing with his ice-cream tub. He knew Charlie had replied to him, but his thoughts drowned put the sound of his voice. He hummed in response and notice Charlie lift his jacket and step outside.

"You coming?" The elder smiled, causing Blake to roll his eyes and lift his jacket too. He didn't ask where they were going because he didn't want to seem like he wasn't listening to the other male so he sat in silence until they arrived at their destination.

A night club.

Blake didn't ask to leave but he also didn't want to go in. He just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep. But he pushed away his stupid thoughts of sleeping and let his more party side of him come out.


Blake slammed the shot glass down on the table and let a loud "WOO" escape his lips. Blake was drunk. Blake was uncontrollably, stumbling of his own feet and slurring his own words drunk.

"You know, Charlie, man. I love you. I don't care that I met you a week ago, I love you for helping me get distracted. I'm very appreciative of that. Thank you?" the drunk brunette slurred, making weird hand gestures that didn't match what he said in anyway.

"I love you too, Blake. And I don't care who hears it. I love Blake Edward Richardson!" Shouted the boy, also slurring his words. "I think this might be the alcohol talking, but I seriously think I love you, man," and Charlie crashed his lips onto Blake's. It took a moment for Blake to register, but he soon kissed him back.


Sorry George was hardly in it and that he was hardly mentioned but I kinda just wrote this all in one go because I knew I needed to get something out.

Sorry I didn't stick to my word of updating. I'm not very good at it. So I think from now on I'm gonna stick to my own schedule and just post when ever I can. Sorry.

So, I think I might start doing a a book recommendations thing at the end of my one shots. My friends always ask for recommendations when they have to travel somewhere or something like that so for anyone who needs it, I'll put it at the end of all my one shots/chapters.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed please keep sure to vote/comment/share and I'll make sure to update soon.

Book recommendation: The Bad Boy Thinks I'm Suicidal  by @/MissSarcasm12

((no free promo unless you my friend))

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