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As the blonde boy put his car in park, he debated whether or not he should fall through with his plan. It was risky and could hurt a lot of people. But a lot of people hurt him, so maybe it was worth it. Maybe it was worth throwing it all away; what did he have going for him anyway? Nothing, thats what.

Little did George know that when he approached the cliff, a certain brunette followed after him. "George! What the fuck are you doing?"

The blonde chose to ignore the boy on the verge of tears and stepped closer to the edge; closer to his death. Blake followed after him, grabbing his arm in a pleading manner. "Please George! I need you; I love you." Blake now had visible tears rolling down his face as he hoped the boy wouldn't do what was planning on doing.

"Do you, Blake?! Do you really? Because the last time I recall you only dated me because you felt bed for me," he yelled back at the blubbering boy who fumbled over his words and tripped over his feet on his way to the boy who had moved a few steps closer to edge. The brown-eyed boy grabbed onto his arm, before reciting his little speech he had prepared in the car.

"Yes, I dated you because I felt sorry for you. Ani told me that you felt rejected when you asked me out and-"

"Wait. Y-you told Ani?" Asked the older boy, who had now stepped farther from the cliff but closer to Blake.

"W-well, yeah. But that was only because I was having a shit day and I just kinda started ranting and-" The taller boy got cut off by an almost inaudible voice.

"I-I hadn't came out to Ani yet" the blonde whispered, quiet enough to have been misheard, but it wasn't.

The brunette was taken aback. Ani was his best friend, why would he keep this from her? It doesn't seem like something friends would do.

"I'm so sorry, George. I didn't mean to-" The brunette tried to grab the arm of the blonde again, but was rudely interrupted by the angry boy.

"Of course you didn't mean to. Because no one ever means these things. No one ever means to out someone or pretend to love someone who has loved you their whole life. No sane person would ever do that, but Blake you're not sane. You're the opposite of what I thought you were and I hope you rot in hell, you piece of shit"

"Please George I'm sorry," Blake said again.

George pushed the brunette's arm off of his body and was about to say something like oh shut it. I've heard enough of your bullshit.

But he didn't when he heard the blood-curdling, screeching scream of the brunette who had slipped on the edge of the cliff and was now falling to his death.

The girl with ombrè hair pulled her phone out from her back pocket of her black jeans and quickly dialed 999. What she had just witnessed she thought shed never be able to forget.

"999, what's your emergency?" Asked the lady on the other line of the phone in a calm tone.

"I think my friend is dead. He's fallen off a cliff"


So guys I took inspiration from a one shot my lovely friend Ani (who makes an appearance in this one shot) and decided to write this one shot.

So, when I was in the middle of writing this I thought maybe I could make this a book and that's why I thought I'd ask you! So, I'd you think I should start a book just tell me in the comments. I will start it when this book hits 2.5k. Obviously, this would the prologue. So just comment if you think I should make a book and I will.

This one shot is dedicated to AniCat2 because she is sweet and lovely and amazing and she features in it and she's just an absolute angel and helps me with all my shit and I couldn't be more glad to have her as a friend

So I hope you like this and please vote/comment/share (especially if you want me to make this book) and I hope you enjoyed x

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