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Well slumped into a row of chairs. We had made it. Utah.
Karey: Am I the only one with an aching back?
Me: Oh come on! The flight wasn't even that long...
Morgan: Oh my god, the in flight dinners were SOOOO small!!!
Brandon: Trust you to notice that.
Robyn flirtatiously giggled.

Kayla: You guys are so ratch to Morgan!
Claire: She's not even that fat.

I heard behind me Jake whispering to Alex.

Jake: Morgan reminds me why I'm gay.
Alex: I thought I did that?

I sighed.

Me: Guys! What is this? I know everyone's stressed but we're here! This is what we've been waiting for!
Claire: Well I'm sleepy. I'll be happy once I'm skiing.
Dave: We better just get to the hotel I'm sure we are ALL tired.
Sarah: Oh my god! I just thought that!
Dave: Really?
Sarah: We are SOOO in-sync!
Benji: You know that's really not that impressive.

Jimsey races over to us.

Jimsey: Guys, if you're staying at the Leviathan, hurry! Taxi's waiting!
That's the hotel Jimsey, Brandon, Dave, Sarah and Robyn.
As everyone says their goodbyes Karey reminds them.
Karey: Guys, remember we meet at the ski-field cafe at 8!
Robyn: 8???? In the AM? That's so fucking early!!!
Jimsey: Do you think we'd go at 8pm?
The taxi for our hotel arrives.
Alice: Benji, we're sharing a room right?

Karey: No you are not!!! You guys are what? 15? You guys are underage.
Benji: We're sixteen.
Me: I'm the only one that's still 15.
Karey: Well 16 ain't good enough either.
Alice: Age of consent is 16 here.
Jake: Nice.

Robyn: See you guys at the hotel!
Morgan: bye guys!!!

Later on, the taxi drive to the hotel had an eerie sense to it, I couldn't shake this bad feeling.

Karey: Are you ok?

She had noticed me and my glazed look as I gazed out the window.

Me: I think.
Karey: Aren't you happy to be on vacation with EVERYONE???
Me: I guess it hasn't sunk in... I just have this weird feeling.
Karey: Weird how?
I pause. I don't really want to talk about it.
Karey: Come on! Tell me!

I fake a smile.

Me: Stop worrying about me. This is your holiday too.
Karey: How am I supposed to have fun while you're all doom and gloom, don't go goth on me.

I laughed.

Me: I'm probably just tired.

Karey: Look, you don't have to worry about nothing when I'm around, I'll always keep you safe. I want you to be happy.
I fake gag.
Me: You sound so lame right now. We both know later on you're gonna tease me or something.

Karey: Haha, and don't you forget it asshat.


Blinding light poured down from above me, my mouth tasted like bad breath and my head was aching.

I can vaguely see the outline of whoever turned my light on.

Ysabela: Wakey wakey eggs and bakey. Ironic since you farted last night and it smelt like eggs.
I groan and turn away from the light.
Me: You're so disgusting Ysabela. Let me sleep.

Ysabela: Karey's already in the shower and Robyn texted you so I blocked her.

I sighed and sat up, I gazed around my hotel room, I was too tired last night to get a proper look at it, I span around and let my feet slip off the bed and touch the cold wooden floor... It was freezing. I start properly waking up it suddenly gets really cold.

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