Chapter 1: Strange Things Did Happen Here

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Your pov

There I stood, in the pouring rain in front of the little shop. In the window, there were multiple oddball things on display, such as crystal balls, skulls, and crucifixes. It seemed like a cool and mysterious store so I figured I'd walk in and have a look around. After all, I had had nothing better to do with my afternoon.

The first thing that caught my eye was a wooden spirit board complete with a pointer. I approached it, curiousity taking over. My parents had never allowed me to purchase one of these; let alone use one. They did it to keep me safe, because of what supposedly happened to my uncle years ago, but I was always careful when it came to investigating the paranormal.

Grinning, I placed my hand on the pointer and moved it around the board playfully until someone shouted at me. The shopkeeper scolded me and asked if I had seen the 'do not touch' sign. Truthfully, I had not, but I obeyed and let go, not wanting to get kicked out.

I decided to continue my wandering around the small shop to look at all the weird stuff there. I hadn't walked far from my previous location when I heard something. It sounded like wood hitting wood. The pointer on the spirit board, which I had left at the letter 'O' was now on the letter 'H'. Suddenly, it moved on its own right before my eyes, slowly sliding across the board to the letter 'E', then 'L', and 'L' again, and finally landed back on 'O' where I had left it.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled, backing away. Then, I walked back up to it to see if any strings were attached. There were none.
I thought I felt something misty wrap around my ankles, but when I looked down there was nothing there. That's when I decided to leave the shop. Too much creepy for one hour.

I then walked through the rain and back to my small apartment, where I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes.

"Probably just some stupid practical joke," I told myself. "Yeah, nothing to worry about."
It was now 4:00, and I was starving, so I made myself a pb&j sandwich. Then I went to my couch and watched Netflix all afternoon while munching on my lunch.

It wasn't long after 8:00 when my friend Jocelyn interrupted my bingeing of TWD with a text asking me if I was busy during the rest of the week. I thought a moment. Monday, nope, Tuesday, nope....
I texted her back, telling her I had no plans and was taking the week off from work. She then told me that one of her friends was going to travel with their friends and could fit another person. Jocelyn was invited, but was too busy, so she wanted to know if I could go.

{Which friend are we talking about here?}

I almost dropped my phone. I had totally forgotten that she and Marzia, as in CutiePieMarzia, were friends.

{Who is she going with????} I started to freak out.

{Take a guess: only a few other people.}
{Yup. And he invited Mark and Jack. Jack also invited Signe.}

I couldn't believe it. I had met Mark and Jack at a panel once, but I never thought I'd be going on a TRIP with them!

{I'd love to omg!}
{Sounds great! Marzia said to just pack what you'll need for a week-long road trip, and that you'll stop each night at hotels.}
{Where am I meeting them?}
{They're in (city close to where you live) right now, so meet them at (place in same city).}

I couldn't believe it! But I wanted to! I kept my cool though. I wouldn't want to burst out in tears when I saw them.

Once I was all packed, it was 10:00PM. I fell asleep quickly and dreamt about meeting them and talking to them. For once, one of my dreams would become a reality.

The drive to (place you're meeting them) wasn't very long, but I still listened to the radio, singing along quietly. My excitement was inexpressible, but I kept your cool. When I arrived, I swung my heavy backpack over my shoulder and wheeled my suitcase towards the small group of adults that could only be them.

Then, I thought that I saw an out-of-place shadow...out of the corner of my eye. But I ignored it, being too excited and occupied with the task at hand.

The first to turn around was the green-haired Irishman, and his stunning blue eyes were sparkling. He smiled. I smiled back and waved at him, and the others looked over and waved back with Jack.

"Hey! You must be (y/n)!" Jack beamed and brought me in for a hug. My cheeks reddened, then I took control of myself when we let go, and the others hugged me in greeting. They were all there: right in front of me. From left to right, it was Felix, Marzia, Mark, Jack, and Signe. They all were so sweet as they took my bags into the car. I could pinpoint Jack's duffel bag, which had a Septiceye Sam plushie sticking out of it, and Marzia's bag, which was super girly and cute, just like her.

We all struggled to fit everyone perfectly into Felix's car, but we managed with him and Marzia in the front, Jack and Signe in the middle, and Mark and I in the back. It was awkward being right next to THE MARKIPLIER but I managed to keep calm, although he noticed my odd silence a bit after the trip started.

"You okay, (y/n)?" He asked in his deep, soothing voice, which either calmed me or made me even more nervous.

"To be honest, not really," I whispered. "I'm just really nervous. I've been a big fan of you guys for years and this feels..." I trailed off, looking away from Mark, a bit red in the face. He chuckled lightheartedly and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, (y/n). Think about it: there's nothing and no one to be afraid of, so there's no reason to be nervous as far as I know."

I looked up at him. God, he's so much handsomer in real life, I thought, and his smile almost forced me to mirror it.

"Thanks, Mark. That means a lot to me." He smiled brighter and then looked out his window, leaving me to look out mine with a stupid grin on my face.

(A/N: this is my first completed fanfiction, and I'll be putting the whole story up. Feedback and even suggestions for future stories are appreciated. Check out my profile, if you can. Thanks for reading, and check out the next chapter(s)!)

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