Chapter 5: Chilling Out

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After a while, Felix pulled over. Mark and Marzia woke up and she shook Signe awake.

"Felix?" Signe asked groggily, rubbing her eyes. "Why'd we stop?"

"Because we're almost there." I saw Mark frown, confused at Felix's answer. But Felix just grinned, obviously being secretive about something.

"Shit, he's gonna murder us," I joked. "Nice knowing y'all." Everyone except Marzia laughed: she just smiled, as she was attempting to go back to sleep.

"Welcome SIX COCKS! sorry SIX FLAGS!!!"

"Well, shit!" Mark chuckled, just as surprised as the rest of us. "You didn't say we were gonna..."

"If I had told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise!" Felix parked the car and we all grabbed what we needed: bathing suits, towels, money, extra clothes, etc.

When we entered the park, we voted on where to go first: rides and games or water park. Three chose each. We ended up solving the dilemma by splitting up. So, Jack, Mark and I headed towards Gotham. The Joker's Jinx and The Ride of Steel towered over us like giants.

"What to ride first...? Any suggestions?" Mark looked at Jack and I. Jack stated that he couldn't choose, and it was up to Mark and I. We finally settled on the BatWing roller coaster, which laid you down to make it feel as if you were flying.

"I'm so scared: I haven't been on this one before!" I began shaking in the queue until Jack put his arm around me comfortingly. He told me not to worry, and that he and Mark would be right next to me. Mark ruffled my hair and I giggled. I felt like a child again. Soon enough it was our turn. I sat in between the two with Jack on my left and Mark on my right, and pulled down the safety thingy.

When everyone was ready, the seats began to recline until we were flat on our backs. My heart was pounding out of my chest. Even though I loved roller coasters and thrill rides, I still would get terrified in the beginning, which I expressed to Jack when he began showing his concern.

The car began to incline backwards, and I couldn't see when we would flip over and drop. I clenched my fists, wanting to close my eyes but at the same time refusing to even blink.

Suddenly, I felt a hand larger than my own interlock with my left hand comfortingly in the terrifying suspense, but before I could look over, we dropped. I looked down at the ground below and couldn't help but laugh out loud, high on adrenaline rush as we soared and spun and tumbled around. I could hear the excited screaming and whooping from either side as the wind blew my hair back. In the fun I was having, the spirit board never crossed my mind.

Once we got out of our car, I immediately squealed giddily and tackle-hugged Jack and Mark individually. They both returned the hugs and smiled brightly at me.

"I'm happy you enjoyed it," Mark chuckled at my childishness, and led us to the next ride, and the next, and the next, until we were too wiped out to do any more. Not to mention we had already went on all of them at least once or twice.

"I say we go to the water park!" Jack suggested. We all agreed, and once we got there, we all took to our changing rooms. I had brought a simple purple one-piece speedo swimsuit with little designs on the hips and neck.

We all finished changing at the exact same time, and I looked over to see the boys in their swim trunks: Mark in red and Jack in green.

"Aren't we #squadgoals?" Jack made a hashtag with his fingers and giggled. He wasn't wrong: the color scheme was pretty aesthetically pleasing.
We walked around the water park, not sure where to begin. But then we saw it: the biggest water ride any of us had ever seen. I could tell we were going to get SOAKED.

"Holy shit, this looks awesome!" I exclaimed as we approached the monster of a water ride. I grinned, already feeling the adrenaline pumping through my system again. 
After the ride, we were ready as hell for the next one, and I noticed how adorable it was when Jack's and Mark's hair got wet. Everything about them was adorable.

We finished the entire water park by 5:00, so we decided to relax in the public pool. Splashing each other, racing across the pool, and just floating on our backs with our eyes was perfect. I never knew that this was possible: that I,  (Y/N) (Y/L/N), would become best friends with the YouTubers that I call my heroes.

But the serenity didn't last long.

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