Chapter 9: Taking the Fall

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We were all seated around the picnic table, conversing in a panicked matter. Other people around the park played fetch with their dogs or flung frisbees back and forth.

"Okay, we need to call the police."

"They won't believe us!"

"This was supposed to be a fun road trip."

I sat in silence as everyone's voices blended together in a mixture of confusion and fear while my thoughts drowned out their bickering. Images of the shadowy figure flashing before my eyes every couple of seconds. I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped back to reality. I whipped around to see Jack beside me.

"Oh. I-It's just you." I looked down, ashamed that I was so afraid and on-edge.

"I'm sorry if I startled you. Are you...doing alright?" He tried to make eye contact, but I just sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"I don't know, Jack." I felt a tear fall. "I can't help but feel this is my fault."

"What?" Mark said, joining in. "Why would you feel that way?" Another tear fell.

"Because of that spirit board. If I hadn't messed with it..."

"Oh, come on, that wasn't your fault!" I looked up at Felix. "You were just curious. Maybe it's something else, something other than a spirit."

"I'm sure we'll be okay," Signe chimed in. They were all encouraging me...lifting me up and defending me against my own inner demons. Why were they so nice? Despite their support, I knew that somehow, they were all wrong. That was following me.

"Guys, as much as I appreciate your support and all...whatever this thing is it's not safe. Wherever I go, it follows. And if you're all with me..."

"No, (Y/N), we've already been over this-"

"I'm putting you all in danger." I interrupted Marzia, feeling as if a million emotions were being piled on top of my shoulders. "I won't let you guys get hurt because of it! I'm being hunted, and I'm not taking any of you down with me!"

Everyone was silent, until I broke down in tears. This trip was supposed to be a dream come true: me meeting my favorite YouTubers and going on a fun road trip with them for a week. Now it appeared to be a week of torture.

I felt Felix and Marzia embrace me tightly, while Mark rubbed my back. Jack looked over at Signe worriedly, and she nodded as if to say, "I'm ready."

After a minute or so of crying, I realized that these guys really did care about me, and that they were willing to fight literal demons to help me.

(A/N: Aww they're so sweet for helping you! But who or what is this mysterious man/thing following you?)

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