Chapter 20: The Return

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Jack's pov

The week was over, and the ride back was quiet and solemn. The empty seat in the middle of the car beside Mark seemed ghostly. I sat in the back with (Y/N), who looked exhausted from the week's events. How would life resume when we all parted ways? What would I tell my viewers, and how would they react?

(Y/N) must've noticed how conflicted I was, and placed her hand over mine. I looked over at her, my cheeks burning.

"It'll be okay, Jack. Things will get better, I promise." I smiled at her and held her hand in mine. It was warm and comforting, and I couldn't help but feel happy again.

Mark turned around from the front seat to see how we were doing, then grinned when he saw. I mouthed a "shut up" and he silently laughed.

I did have feelings for (Y/N), but it was so hard to cope with them. I felt guilty of it, because of Signe. I wouldn't want anyone to think that I was just immediately replacing her...oh, what am I saying? I thought. (Y/N)'s just being sweet as normal, she wouldn't actually think to like me. If I asked her out, she'd reject me for sure.

Your pov

Mark kept shooting glances at us, and my face flushed crimson. He knew what I was thinking. Jack was holding my hand, and I didn't know what to do. It was just an act of kindness...right?

Eventually, we arrived at our destination. My apartment was just a few miles away, and I couldn't help but feel relieved. Finally I could return to my normal life. I got my stuff out of Felix's car and looked over to where I had parked my car.

My new best friends all walked to my car with me and helped me load it up. After they all gave me their contact information, an idea clicked into my head. Maybe one last memory would be a better ending than just this.

And so, we stayed up all night playing Overwatch, GTA, and other games whilst laughing our asses off. Felix and Marzia fell asleep on the couch, Mark drifted off in the recliner, and I, with my head on Jack's shoulder, fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

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