Chapter 14: Time to Go

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"(Y/N), you can't leave."

"Mark, it's over! I've practically just killed someone! It's my fault Zozo returned: it's my fault Signe died!"

We argued in the hotel room for hours over whether or not I should leave.

"Let's face it," I said. "I'm dangerous."

"Zozo's dangerous," Mark corrected.

"Either way, I can't be around anyone anymore!"

"And you can't shut yourself in! We all care about you, (Y/N). I do, Felix does, Marzia does, and Ja-"

"Jack hates me now! He said so himself! I caused the painful death of his girlfriend!"

"It wasn't you who caused it! Zozo, he-"

"Why do you keep insisting that it's not my fault?"

"Because it's not!"

"But you know, one way or another, I caused this. Jack's right: I should have left when I had the chance."


"Mark, I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you all while it lasted. I'll see myself out." And with that said, I grabbed my bags and left the room, the lobby, and finally the building.

I reached the center of the city, and found a bike rental area. I swiped my credit card and mounted the bike. I needed to get as far away from the city as possible.

I pedaled forward and onto the street, showing no emotion, until something crossed my path. A familiar young man ran in front of me, and I swerved to the side, barely not crashing into the sidewalk. Parking my bike, I turned around to see a green-haired man running at me.

He embraced me tightly, but I didn't return it.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Jack looked at me with sad eyes, his cheeks still tear-stained.

"I could ask you the same thing, Sean." I asked blankly, looking down at my feet. What was he doing here?

"(Y/N), l..." I waited impatiently for him to finish his sentence. He sighed and looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry...for everything. I don't hate you, and I didn't mean any of what I said last night, I promise I didn't. I have no good excuse for lashing out like that. What happened down there before we were rescued, none of it was your fault. I shouldn't have been so rash and stubborn and...and weak."

I looked back into his ocean eyes and saw tears forming. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't put how I felt into words.

"I completely understand if you don't forgive me, I wouldn't either, but please just let me help you through this. Let us help you. If you met the same fate as...I couldn't...argh, goddammit."

He wiped away his tears and looked away shamefully. Not knowing what else to do, I reached out my hand and slowly combed my fingers through his hair.

"'s okay. I'm glad that you didn't mean it. You lost someone close to you...I can't even imagine what that did to you."

"Jack..." I realized then just how much he really cared. Mark was right.

"I don't want you to get hurt again, (Y/N)," he said softly, looking back up at me and placing a hand on my shoulder. "I want to help in any way that I can to get rid of that little demon bastard." I was about to tell him to be careful; that Zozo could be listening, but he interrupted. "I don't give a fuck if he can hear me or wants to hurt me. We'll find a way to get rid of him. You, me, Mark...all of us: together."

Jack then pulled me into an embrace like none I had ever received. I felt like all of his energy was being sacrificed to revive me, and now that I realized it, it was.

I felt the salty drops fall from my eyes, and I hugged him back tightly, afraid that if I let go I would never see or feel his soft hands on my head again.

"Thank you, Jack." I whispered, shaking as I cried into his shoulder. "Thank you."

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