Chapter 4: Hallucinations

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The car ride grew boring after a while, and Marzia had fallen asleep, along with Mark and Signe. I was listening to music with my eyes closed while Jack was proof-watching a video sent from Robyn, his editor. He chuckled, remembering something funny in the video, then uploaded it at exactly 3:00.

Suddenly, I felt something on my neck, like a cool and calming breeze, yet it sent chills down my spine. My eyes shot open and I looked behind me. There was nothing on the chair, and no windows were open. I looked at my vague reflection in the window to my right and fixed my hair a bit, then froze. I could see, someone! the reflection in the space in between Jack and me. The figure was taller than me, lanky, and seemed more like a shadow than anything else. But it was definitely made of solid matter...and it was looking right at me.

I whipped my head around, but saw nothing unusual: only Jack. He looked up at me, startled by my sudden movement. He must have thought I was asleep before.

"You okay?" He asked. I looked back at the window. The figure was gone. I slowly nodded, still not facing Jack. I could see in the reflection that he looked concerned, but he looked back down at his laptop after the long moment in which I said nothing.

Count this one as four. Something was definitely wrong with me, or...wait a minute. That spirit board I touched at that shop the other day...maybe I...No. That's not possible. Not that I didn't believe in paranormal activity such as this, it's just that I didn't take any actions to summon anything that day.

Maybe I should tell someone. If something's happening, others should be aware, right? But I don't want to seem like I want to draw attention to myself. Mark, Jack, Felix...everyone around me might think I had brought this to them.

I decided to wait. If anything else happened that seemed serious and not related to lack of sleep/paranoia, I would tell someone.

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