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As soon as he entered the house I dumped it all over him. He looked at me with nothing put anger in his cold blue eyes. I stood there with my hands on my hips, ready for any bull shit that was about to happen. He clinched his fist and his jaw. I just stood there, staring daggers at him. He did the same back. It was clear that it had become a competition. He was clearly daring me to challenged him. Little did he know I had no problem challenging him. I intensified my glare a small bit, he did the same. As time went on we both intensified our stare at each other. I couldn't take it anymore. That was all the intensity I had with in me. I was far from intimidating. He knew that, but there was no way in hell that I was going down without a fight. Eventually he got very upset at me for not giving in.

"Awwwww, is someone upset. Well guess what asshole, I was upset too. Are you seriously upset because I'm not a door mat like Harley. Because I challenge you. Is that it? Or is it because you're soaking wet. Awwww come on J, don't be a sour puss it was just a fucking joke. I thought you out of all people would understand a simple joke. Well I guess that name doesn't fit your ass anymore. I guess I'll take it then!"

I stood up tall. Not even bothering to keep trying to look intimidating at this point. I just wanted him to get the message. I waited for him to scream in my face or slap me. The suspense was horrible. Instead of lashing out on me in response, but he just laughed.

"Oh sweetheart that took some guts. To be honest I didn't think you had it uh ya! And that's what you call a joke?"

"No! It was a simple gesture that I tossed in last minute to help get my point across."

"Well you said joke so that's what it is. I hope you know you have started war that you will never win. If you wanna give up now before I get you back that's fine but if not that works even better. When you wanna give up just hang a white piece of clothing on any door that you are currently in at that time."

"In not giving up so sorry disappoint you. Now if you excuse me im off to bed." I make my way down the hall to my room. On the way one of j's men spots me.

"Bad move miss"

"No, I know what I'm exactly what I'm doing"

I know this is a short chapter but I got busy. FYI shit bout to go down! And as always Bu bye!💋💖😂

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