Celebrated part 2

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"What are you waiting for, Krista?  Aren't you gonna get in?"

I just looked up at him while removing my clothes. First my pants, then my shirt, next my bra. I cautiously removed my bra at a slow pace. No, not to tease him, but because I was nervous about this whole situation. At this point im left in my tiny laced panties.

"What's wrong doll? Nervous?"

"Yes, this whole situation is quite nerve racking." I say while laughing, just trying to lighten up the mood a bit. I think it worked, he giggled slightly.

"Oh yeahhhh, well you should be. If you think your nerves are fucked up now, you just wait until I'm done with you."  he was so casual about what he just said, meanwhile my nerves, my mind, and my heat are losing their shit.

"Come on, take off those pretty little panties and hop on in."

"Only if you don't bite me." I giggle a bit, only until I hear his response.

"I can't help it, its in my nature. I'm like a lion. People want them, knowing the risk that if we wanted to, we could do extreme damage."

I my nerves and mind once again lose their shit. Mostly because he is right. If he wanted to he could hurt me, or kill me. He is highly unpredictable, but I still risk my well being knowingly. I pause, thinking about what he just said. He is absolutely right. He admitted that if he wanted to, he could hurt me right now, I still want him. His point is well proven without him even trying.

He placed his hand on the glass door of the shower and looked down at me. I hesitantly raised my hand with caution but then stopped. He looked at me with lustful eyes, but it was something truly dark behind it. He pushed his hand up against the glass a bit harder, signaling me that it was okay to put my hand on the glass. I moved my hand upward towards the glass at a slow pace. I finally had my hand on the glass, right where his was. He pressed his forehead against the and closed his eyes for a second.

He lifted his head off the glass and began to slowly but surely slide the door open. My breathing became shallow, and my heart beat began to speed up. Within a few seconds the door was completely open and he was there, with eyes filled with desire and lust. His eyes tell it all, they always did. He put his hand out for me to grab and I took it without second guessing it....

I stepped gracefully into the shower, allowing the warm water to hit my body. He closed the shower door behind me and backed up slightly. I turned to face him, I was curious as to why he was so quiet. He was watching  me intently.  I froze, afraid that if I moved I would  break him out of whatever reality he was in. He was watching there, watching me with devilish eyes, sinister even.  I turned around almost at the speed of light, somebody was opening the door to the bathroom. J, however, was so transfixed on me he didn't notice until I jumped. J stepped forward and I stepped behind him, his breathing slow....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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