Change in Perspective-Gonta Gokuhara X Fem!Quiet!Reader

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I almost misspelled quiet in the title.
Not inside the game-so basically not canon
Also,Gonta's my second favorite guy and I love his English lines so I have a whole lot of ideas swimming in my head! Requested by: Gigbearpig

What was the world like from your perspective?

Loud and unpredictive.

That was expected, considering you were in a group with a bunch of potential mental hospital escapees. Every single day was never boring neither without antics from most of the students. It was funny but stupid at the same time.

As for yourself? You were stuck viewing these antics like a television-wishing you could join in, but never knowing how to. Nobody approached you even when you were right there, and the only words you have spoken since were your name and the description of your talent.

You were a quiet individual...but someone decided to make the effort on breaking the ice.



You swerved your head to a booming voice that identified with your classmate and friend, Gonta, who was walking towards you. He was one of your good friends, which was surprising since he was way taller than you and was really outgoing, always being the first to hug or do friend stuff. He could understand you perfectly without you having to speak, and you contemplated that it must be experience with bugs that made him able to do that.

'Hm? What is it, Gonta?' you responded mentally, waving a hand to physically say 'hello'. "Gonta want to hang out with (Y/N) after school. Do (Y/N) want to as well?" he asked you. 'Sure, I have nothing else to do,'you signified with a single nod of your head. "Good! Have nice rest of day!" He said, dashing off to god-knows-where. You chuckled to yourself, a rare occasion, signifying that you loved your friend's cheeriness and.....wait.



As in...friendship? Or as in 「愛してる」 ('I love you' for couples who want a serious relationship) love?

I mean, your voice just....

You silenced your thoughts, cheeks red and heart anticipating the rest of the day.

-------------(time skip provided by an anxious author with no love exp.!)---------------

After Mr. Monokuma dismissed your homeroom class, students poured out of the doors like water from a bucket and talked as loud as a waterfall. You walked quickly to grab your stuff from your locker, and raced to the gate to wait for Gonta. You did all you could to silence your heart with no avail as Gonta made his way over. 'Ah, Gonta!' Your eyes called, a small smile on your face. 'Where will we go today? I don't mind wherever you take me, as long as I get home on time.' Gonta thought for a moment and then responded,"Gonta want to see aquarium for some reason! Guess no bug for today cuz they tired!" 'Alright then. Aquarium it is!' Linking arms (or being lifted off slightly from the ground, rather), you two went off from school, the sun beaming graciously.

After Gonta paid for your entrance ("Gentleman always need to be kind to lady-friend!"), both of you went to see the multi-colored hues of the ocean's organisms—fish, jellyfish, whales, crabs, and you even got to see a few sharks—from their artificial homes and it was simply beautiful. You wonder how Gonta felt through all was surely a change from his hobby of taking care of the insects and creatures he loves so much and he did this just for you so that you could have fun with him, too. It was truly sweet of him....and this time, you didn't deny your thoughts.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Gonta asked, waving a hand to your face. You snapped out of your thoughts about him and responded with multiple nods of your head and a crimson hue of embarrassment. "Thank goodness! Thunk that you went to sleep! Oh yeah, it almost time to go out, but Gonta want to hang out at park! go, too?" He asked in a timid tone that was very unlike him, but you shrugged it off and nodded 'yes' again.

----------------(Another time-skip)-----------------

After taking a cab to your destination, you were lead to a bench by Gonta's hand taking yours. After sitting down, it got silent between the two of you, not a rare thing but it wasn't normal all the same. Then, Gonta piped up suddenly after a while. "(Y-Y/N).....d-do you think....if Gonta tell you he like be a-angry?" You thought about it; sure it'd make you jealous, but you'd be happy for Gonta as long as you two were still best friends. But a part of you also hoped that maybe he was interested in you....?

'Go ahead, I'll keep it a secret and will not be mad at you," you encouraged mentally. "O-okay..then...G-Gonta.......l-like–no, l-l-love (Y/N)!" He grabbed your hands, a blush evident on his dark skin. You looked at him with wide (E/C) eyes and...finally spoke out of the sincereness you felt from him.

"G-Gonta...I love you, too."

He then stared in astonishment at your mouth. "(Y/N)! You speak!" he said before suddenly kissing you. Although it surprised you, you did not push him away and instead savored the moment. After a few moments, you softly pulled back and smiled genuinely, a happy shade of love covering your faces. "Although (Y/N) no like to speak...

"Only words he want to hear is 'I love you'."


I'm back!

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