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That's it. It was over, time to accept the facts.... I Nova Leigh Sky was head over hills for the dick named Antonio. I didn't tell Ryland or Karla though considering they wanted to murder him, Ryland especially. You know what makes it worse? My technical brother in law went to my school now.

I could cry now!

"Nova what's wrong with you? You've been distracted fo-"

"Shouldn't you be worried about your stalker?" I smirked watching her eyes get bigger with each word that left my mouth. I peeked at her boyfriend through my bangs, analyzing his curious face. I could just laugh at the awkward air around the table. I patted Ryland's arm and lied to her, so she could be stuck here while Jason and Karla sucked face and Avery starred at her.

"I'll catch you guys later." I announced as I stood.

"Where you going?" Ryland snapped going for her book bag. I grinned and smacked her book bag out of her hand, shaking my head.

"No, no dear please do stay here and enjoy your tim-OH! look there goes Jayd! Let's say Hi shall we?" I ignored the death glare she sent me and switched all the way over to him smiling.

"Jayd-a-kiss! How are you this fine morning darling?!" I grinned, my eyes allow and mischievous.

I know totally cliche but eh? That's what I did when I was bemused. .

After that he bothered Ryland like I hoped he would and I left the cafeteria. I really wasn't sure what to do now in this large ass school until I had the urge to pee. I pushed the bathroom door open and paused hearing some.....rather disturbing noises. I covered my mouth feeling my face get hot.

You've got to be kidding me....

"Ant...yes.." Okay it was funny up until now. I bit my lip and rubbed at my chest feeling my face get hotter. Don't you hate that pathetic feeling you get in your chest when you realize your crush was far from ever liking you? In fact Antonio has always stated the fact that he didn't like me at all. Even used the word hate.

"Fuck....how long do you think she was here?"

"I don't know and I don't care she looks stupid just gazing like that....HELLO."

I jumped blinking several times before I realized I went into an intense daydream aaaaand I was caught. Blushing darkly I turned around and tried to run. Keyword tried. Antonio wrapped his strong arm around my neck and yanked me back into the bathroom slamming me against the wall, trapping me there.

Well someone wasn't happy.

"Not a word to anyone." I snorted pushing against his chest, secretly loving every minute of touching him.

Oo dear Jesus I needed to get a serious grip on life. He was just fucking someone else!

He smacked my hand of his chest and shoved me into the door, pushing it open to make sure I fell on the ground too.

Way to ruin the moment bitch. ...

"Not a word Kay? Kay."

I felt my eyes water, forcing myself to quickly look away. So I looked down at my feet, fixing my bangs as I got up. Geez why was he so mean? And why couldn't he like me? Sighing I rubbed my eyes and walked off to my fifth hour-English 11. No way in hell did I realize how terrible 6th hour would end up being.

-6th hour-

I sunk down in my seat as my choir teacher Mrs. Smith called out names for assigned Duets. Why Jesus why!? Sh-

Antonio Miller and Nova Sky. Now go meet up with your partners everyone." He grunted walking into his office.

My mouth dropped open as I fell backwards into my seat screaming into my arms. I earned several disapproving looks. I looked around quickly, and grew upset.

Antonio had ditched me.....

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