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Yeah....yeah diamond was definitely pissed. Avery? yeah he was annoyed but I doubt he really cared. I shifted in discomfort in the backseat of her charger as she purposely sped too the hospital. It rained no more than a few hours ago and here we were speeding down the damn street like some idiots. But I said nothing, NOPE I did not. I called her and told her everything three weeks ago.

Why are we just going now you ask.?

We'll it's simply because after that we hadn't spoken in two weeks. I have no idea what happened but she randomly called me last night and told me to be ready by 9am today and here we were walking to the front desk.

CAN you say awkward.?

I chewed at my bottom of my lip, waiting for the woman at the desk to give me his information.

"Room 105, hospital wing 23B"  Nodding I walked around Avery and Diamond running through the doors that led to the rest of the hospital. I kept repeating the numbers in my head as I frantically searched for his room, but when I found his room I got scared. I could hear voices some hushed some not. Pressing my knuckles against the door in a gentle knock I panicked inside having all eyes direct themselves too me. Charlie elbowed Kevin making him look up from Antonio to me.


I stood firmly at the foot of his bed, a knot in my throat. He looked like he was about to just die. The usual sarcastic boy I knew was a unhealthy shade of brown and very, very fragile looking. It seemed as though one hard push too his head would break every bone in his body. Everyone must have known who I was because they moved out my way when I walked to his bed side. I didnt know what to do or say at this piont. .

What was I supposed to say? He wasn't even awake.

Leaning across his body so both sides of him had my hands firmly placed next too him I knelt down to kiss his nose. I blinked a few times feeling my eyes burn. His head injury looked awful....reaching upwards I gently rubbed my fingertips over what looked like a healing gash. I felt him twitch under me and I pressed my lips against his before moving away. I made my way back around the bed and out the door back torwards the lobby.

And that was end of the visit. ....

~8 Days Later~

Antonio was showing signs of finally waking up.! I visited him every day now that my mom was back home.

Well for now..

"Kizzie did you read to him today. ?"  Looking up his doctor I shook my head no dumbly. He frowned and motioned for me to put my phone away,  which I reluctantly did so.

"His mother is in jail, his father hasn't even been notified of his child's condition and his grandparents are far too busy with trying to care for his little brother and keep CPS from taking them both. The least you could do is continue to help with his recovery."

Recovery? He called my boyfriend laying her motionless, attached to several tubes recovery?  I'd be damned if a simple wheeze was improvement or progress.! All Antonio ever did was move his hands and toes or twitch. Never once has he mumbled, turned his head, or tried to open his eyes. THAT too me would be some type of recovery. I mean Antonio he......he's on a thin line between being a vegetable for the rest of his life recovering or.....being brain dead.

The doctor left me there too my thoughts, while I pulled a sports magazine from my bag. I carefully made my way into the bed with him careful of his tubes. I rested my forehead against his chest and started to read random little sports articles too him.  That's when my mind trailed off, just thinking about the reality of the situation I dropped the magazine on my face curling into a tight ball. How could this of happened? How hard is too be a good mother?

Her Worst Nightmare. (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now