You Can't Blame A Girl For Trying...

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~You cant blame a girl for trying ;)~

Three Months Later

Jesus if I thought it was cold around October I was dead wrong. This winter really did hate the world this year! It feels good to be seventeen and all but I feel like I always have to pay a price not to long after. Fuck you January!

"NOVA!" I narrowed my eyes and turned around, scratching at my head dumbly. I had my natural hair hanging down to rest at the top of my shoulders now. I raised my hidden eyebrow at Ryland trying not to laugh. We switched seats and just so happen she ended up being seated directly next to Jeanae with Jayd right behind them. Now Ry hates Jeanae just as much as I do, so imagine being next to her in a small area, let alone having your stalker positioned behind you. I giggled and looked to my left to glance at Karla sighing. I was seated by her and we haven't exactly been getting along. In fact we almost fought each other a few days ago, but my brother Avery broke that up. Yeah....he pretty much threw me into the lockers. I mean he didn't mean to but...I'm small and he's get the picture...Anyways here I was chewing at the end piece of my locket and staring straight ahead, bouncing my leg feeling her presence burn into the side of my skull. It bothered me so much to have her this close with all the shit that's been happening.

I had my own secrets too though.

I let my doe brown eyes slide to my right a nervous grin, sliding into place on my face. So...Antonio and I were secretly dating...He lied to everyone as well, they knew he was dating but he said her name was Sandy and that she lived outside of the district and was too busy to come meet his friends. He winked at me and I literally just fell apart into a fit of smiles making my teacher pinch me.

Way to kill my vibe whore.

I rolled my eyes and dropped my leg back down and sat upright staring down at the blank paper, squinting at the board every once in a while to see what the ingredient's were. I got up to go partner up with Ry but Karla beat me to the punch. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, even though Ry declined her offer. I rolled my eyes and turned around to try and find someone else in the chaos of my class. I guess Ry was going to work with Katie. I was upset with Katelyn too but I kept it well hidden.
She "lost" my guitar but I could have sworn I saw her give it to Karla months back in the beginning of the school year...

My mom bought me a new guitar it was the same color and design and everything but it just wasn't the same....She would take the new guitar back as soon as we found my old one and buy me some clothes with the money refunded to her. I blinked a few times realizing I was the only one standing around, I turned to my right and froze.

Jeanae was working with my guy.....

He threw me a sympathetic look but I just ignored him and with a heavy sigh I sat with Jayd smiling at the funny remarks he made. He was a pretty good friend to have actually even if he tortured Ryland half to death. I gave....well tried to give him a bro hug but ended up stumbling around into another table which I had to apologize for quickly before the bitchy girl cooking snapped on me. I was the one who got flour on her BLACK! pants. Jesus. I rolled my eyes and followed Jayd up to the front of the class room too get the things we needed to bake this cake.....

I sighed as I shifted around uncomfortably in the passenger side seat once again. Paul and I where attempting to get along....well I was but Paul was Paul as well as my mom....She didn't understand this man was no good but my father said it was best to let a grown woman teach herself her own lesson. I guess you can't teach a old dog, new tricks. I wiped at my eyebrow and leaned back to kiss Andre's forehead telling him to be good as I stepped out the car, stumbling slightly as I got out. Before I could get out fully, Paul drove forward and almost hit my foot. I stood up straight fixing my clothes in annoyance as I got out the way of another car. I rolled my neck around readjusting my book bag and greeting my friends.
"Aye look." Antonio raised his head up to see what Charlie, Kevin and a few other members of his inner circle where looking at. Following there eyes his own grew slightly big seeing his "girlfriend" walk into school with her friend group. He frowned and scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly. He kept digging himself a deeper hole with all the lying he was doing. He ended up actually becoming interested in Nova a few days before and definitely after that party a few months back. But he fucked that up majorly to the point where she didn't speak or acknowledge him for a month. He knew he deserved it but he kept pestering....her...It was his own fault for being so rude to her when school started. But everyone deserves another chance.

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