Chapter 15

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“Woke up, such a bad dream. I stayed, you were leaving. With my heart, you were stealing. I don’t care, I’d let you take it. Showed up, like a good girl. I fell for your fable. But I’m no Cinderella. I don’t care, I’d let you take it.” – I Don’t Want To Break by Christina Perri

Chapter 15

Harry’s POV

I think I laid there for hours, refusing to open eyes. My arm remained outstretched upon the sheets that were once occupied but now were turning cold. The heat that her body once gave them was disappearing; any trace she was here with me was disappearing. There was a choking lump sitting in the back of my throat, threatening to choke me with emotion. It had been there from the moment I regained consciousness. It’s funny how I fell asleep content with the actual thought she might stay with me for a little longer, then I awoke to an empty bed once again with all the hope dissipating with every breath I took.

How many times was she going to leave me? How many times was she going to keep throwing my heart back at my face?

The worst part, she didn’t want to do it. She was troubled. Something was haunting her, whether it be her own demons inside her or something in the scary outside world. I wanted to be there to fight either, if she would just talk to me. But no matter how many times I pleaded and begged, even if I got down on my knees in a bed a broken glass, she wouldn’t open herself. She wanted to live her darkening life alone, even though she finally had someone who was willing to love her the way she deserved, even if she didn’t think she deserved it. To me, that sounded like a sad way to live. That’s the kind of life that can drive someone mad. Can make someone do unthinkable things. The loneliness can make someone’s mind turn dark. A lot of people would so anything to not be lonely anymore…

I would know that better than anyone.

It was the main reason I joined Andrew’s gang in the first place. My parents had just died. Yes, I had Mikey. I’ve had Mikey since I was a little boy. He was my brother, even though we weren’t blood. But I still lost the two most important people to me. They were ripped from this world so suddenly. Without even a good-bye or final hug and kiss. A burden like that can drive a sixteen year old boy crazy. I wanted more than my best friend. I wanted to be involved in something. Anything to keep my mind off the unthinkable loss I had suffered. When I found this gang, it felt like I finally belonged somewhere. Then, I started to let all the darkness get to me. The scariest part was the way the power of killing someone gave me. I was in some trance for so long; I wasn’t myself anymore. I was lucky Mikey was there to notice and he knocked me out of my daze of murder, convincing me to rebel and leave, but at the cost of his own love. He lost the love of his life because an evil man consumed by power and… loneliness. Before my parents died, I never would have dreamed of hurting someone. But I guess the anger I had toward my parents was consuming enough. I was so angry that they had been taken away from me. Hell, I still am, to this day. I always will be. But I will never go back to the way I was before I met my Christy. She was my light. She lit up the darkness in me from the moment I saw her swaying her hips to music in that God awful bar she worked at.

I knew from then on that she was it for me.

But here I was, laying in this bed, and I wasn’t chasing after my girl? I wasn’t fighting for the love we had? The love I know we both felt? You want to know why?

Because I was tired.

I loved her too damn much to breathe, but I couldn’t keep running after her. My lungs felt like would explode if I did. My muscles felt weak and I was drained. I was all out of energy.

We may love each other, but we broke one another along the way. With every kiss and gentle touch, we were slowly cracking a little more, waiting till we were completely shattered.

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