Chapter 7

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"Love that once hung on the wall used mean something, but it now means nothing. The echoes are gone in the hall. But I still remember, the pain of December. Oh, there isn't one thing left you can say. I'm sorry, it's too late." - Let Me Go by Avril Lavigne ft. Chad Kroeger

Chapter 7 

Harry's POV

I held her body tightly to mine. Her heaving and sobbing vibrated against me. She shivered in my arms and I suddenly became aware of the freezing chill surrounding us. 

"Come on. Let's get you inside." I said, standing us both to our feet. 

"No!" She screamed, ripping her body away from me. She turned her sobbing self towards me; her bloodshot, glossy eyes met mine. She looked wild. She looked like she was falling apart. "I don't deserve to go back up there. I don't deserve to have you comfort me and to try and fix me. I'm broken, Harry. There's nothing you can do about it anymore. And frankly, I'm tired. I'm tired of being in danger and I'm tired of feeling like a burden to you. Our relationship has brought nothing but sadness to us and everyone around us." Her hands laced into her hair, tugging in frustration. 

"Christy, you're speaking nonsense." I said, stepping toward her, only to have her step back, shaking her head at me.

"Baby, come on. Please." My voice broke as I reached my hands out to her, aiding her to come with me. 

"I'm sorry, Harry. I've messed everything up. I've ruined any kind of happiness you could have." She choked, more tears spilling out of her eyes.

"You are my happiness." I stepped toward her again, but she didn't move. She clamped her eyes shut with pain and... shame? "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not just going to let you go. I will fight for you, no matter what. I love you, Christy; every piece of broken, damaged, or disfunctional part of you, I will love." I was now standing in front of her; only mere inches from her. 

"You'll hate me when you find out what I've done." A single tear slid from her eye, dripping onto the visible skin of her chest. 

"Just come with me. Get you cleaned up and we can talk." I said, stepping closer so our chests touched. I reached down and laced my fingers with hers. I could feel the blood on her fingertips as she flinched slightly. I gently pulled her with me as I walked back into the apartment building; the snow crunching beneath our feet as we took slow, small steps. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, holding her against my side, afraid if I let go she would fall to the ice-covered ground and shatter like a piece of china. 


Christy's POV

Red mixed with the clear water running down the sink's drain. The pads of Harry's fingers gently ran over the skin of my fingers, cleaning the self harmed cuts on my finger tips. Tears still hung off the tips of my eyelashes, threatening to fall. Turning the water off, Harry dabbed a towel to the deep scores in my skin. My fingers stung, but I bit down on my lip to smother any whimpers of pain that may escape from my mouth. I did this to myself. I had no idea what I was doing. For some reason, as tears escaped my eyelids and my fingers raked down the ragged brick wall, my whole body was numb. There was nothing I could feel besides the clenching wrapping around the base of my heart. I had just made a deal with the devil. How could I possibly take this job? Take someone else's life? I wasn't that kind of person.

Harry's never going to look at me the same when he finds out what I've done. He will scold me about making this deal; about bargaining for his life, but he'll never understand the guilt and sorrow that would sweep over me if I lost him. This man was Mikey's father and he wanted to make my life miserable. He wanted to find my weakness and use it against me. Unfortunately, Harry was my kryptonite.

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