=An Appointment With The Doctor=

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=Hikari POV=

I blink my eyes open to a blinding, bright light.

Oh shit. I'm dead aren't I? 

"Don't... go.. towards the light" I murmur aloud.

I hear a faint chuckle.

My eyes started to adjust to the light. I found myself inside some kind of clinic, next to me was dark haired boy. He wore a baggy yellow hoddie and a pair of navy blue jeans. He appeared to be scribbling some notes down on a clipboard. I gulp... Next to him sat a long nodachi, those were difficult to weild  why would some highschool student just carry one around?

"Who... are you?" the words stumble out my mouth. I slowly move my hands down to my stomach, it felt sore. I wonder if I'll still be able to eat. 

Oh no. What if I'm forced to eat mushy old people food. No burgers, chips, cake, sweets. The colour drained from my face, there's no way I can live without my precious food.

"Trafalgar Law" the teen smiles darkly, "I'm the schools assistant doctor".

I had a bad feeling about this guy, how could he be seriously creepy and attractive at the same time. "What happened?" I asked weakly.

"You happened to be stupid enough to get into a fight on your first day" his voice sounded dark.

Wow his personality is a turn off..

"Wait how did you know it was my first day?!" I question, feeling mildly creeped out by this guy.

"I know a lot of things Miss Hikari, you were raised in an orphanage and was send here because you ate a dev-"

"Shut up!" I raise my voice as pain shot up my chest. "Agggh!" I cry resting my hands down onto my chest. 

How did he know? I have to get away from here... away from him.

He held out some painkillers and bring them towards me. "Have some" he says right before I smack them out of his hands as they clatter down to the ground.

Hah, hah, hah I couldn't control my breathing. I quickly grab the side of the blanket and swipe it off me. A blush suddenly rose up on my cheeks as I found myself in nothing but my shorts and a black lacy bra. There was a big purple bruise right in the middle of my stomach where that boy kicked me, what...?

 "Kyaaaaah!" I squeal grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around my exposed body. "Stupid perv! Where are my clothes?!" I barked, "why did you take them off? I'm leaving!"

My mind instantly went blank, what the hell was coming out of my mouth?

"Your a loud one aren't you?" he says without a hint of emotion in his voice.

I puff my lips out, pouting at the annoying teen. "Whatever, how did you know about my..." I coudn't finish my sentence.

"Its called a school file" he says to me like I was stupid, my cheeks redden even more from embarrassment.

"You know your kinda cute when you blush like that" he says in a mono tone voice.

Now hes just playing with me. "Shut up.." I grumble.

=Nami POV=

I quickly jump out my seat as soon as the bell rang for lunch I forgot about Hikari! I run across the long hallway, untill I see Luffy up ahead. 

"Oi! Luffy!" I call out to the raven haired boy.

I quickly approach Luffy "have you seen the new girl?" I ask, I groan as I remember it was lunch. His brain wouldn't be working half as good when he's hungry,

"nope! But I heard someone got in a fight with Kid" he replies.

Shit, that has to be her. No ones dumb enough to do that. I make my way to the clinic, shes probably badly injured. I open the door to find her and Law bickering at each other, well she was doing most of it...

"Oh did I interrupt something?" I was relived, I expected wounds and broken bones.

The two realized someone else was in the room "she has a few bruises but nothing else" Law informs me. "Go easy on her stomach its been bruised, badly". 

"When can she leave?"

"When ever she wants" he smirks throwing me her clothes, before leaving the room.

=Hikari POV=

"Lets go eat lunch Hika-chan" Nami smiles, putting my clothes down onto my bed.

I blush, Hika-chan? I've never had someone call me that. It felt better with Nami around, does this mean were friends? Iv'e never had one of those before.

"Nami-san are we friends?" I ask slowly getting out of bed.

"Haha, I'm guessing you dont have much experience with having friends" she giggles.

"Of course were friends Hika-chan"

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