=The Academy For The Gifted=

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=Hikari POV=

My head hurt and I could barely see. My body swung from side to side, trying to keep its balance. I stop and just let my body fall onto the ground, "no way... I feel terrible... I don't wanna walk" I mumble to Law who knelt beside me.

"Come on" he says lightly tapping my cheeks, "I don't want to have to carry you again".

My eyes widen in shock "again?" I manage to ask.

"Whatever, get up." He grabs my arm forcing me to stand up.

"Stop ignoring my questions!" I hiss as I grasp my neck. I had completely forgotten how sore my throat was.

"Do you want answers or not?" He says, dragging me across the hallway. I could feel the presence of other people in the building.

How embarrassing...

=Nami POV=

I lift my head up as I hear someone impatiently banging on the door. I rush to the door to see a furious Law, and a sleepy Hikari.

"H-hey..." I smile nervously, remembering what I had done to Law.

"Take her I don't want her" he hisses coldly.

I look over to Hikari, she was a mess. She was struggling to stand as her legs shook, I quickly step towards her to catch her before she fell. I place my hand onto her sweaty forehead, she's sick...

 "Help me get her in, she has a fever" I say to Law, helping him put Hikari's arm around his neck. I could hear her heavy breathing as he walked her over to my bed. 

After helping him lay Hikari atop my bed I glance over to Law, who was already heading towards the exit.

"Woah man! She's sick, help her" I say, causing him to suddenly stop.

"It's just a regular fever, let her rest"

I hear the door slam as I turn back to Hikari, to my surprise she was still awake.



"I w-want answers..." 

I take a seat at the end of the bed, just missing her feet, "Oh yea... I didn't get to tell you".

She nods.

"This...isn't a normal school" I begin.

"No shit"

I laugh, "this place is more like a training school, it was originally built just to help devil fruit users control their ability".

"Why is it a highschool? What if a child eats one?" She asks.

"Devil Fruit powers can be uncontrollable and extremely dangerous for a teenager, due to puberty. We get mood swings, and god knows what will happen if one of us accidentally uses it" I explain. "But our principal realized that there were other teens with abilities much more dangerous than devil fruit abilities".

"Y-you mean Haki?" She says as I look over to her, her eyes were shut and her breathing had slowed down.

"Yea... but some students were nothing more than just outcasts that were considered freaks, no powers and no Haki, but still have the will to learn to fight. Of course he knew that the teenagers would still need regular education, so we would have two days a week of normal education and three days of training."

"So that's what the colloseum is for..."

"Nami, whats your story?" She interrupts."You don't seem to have a devil fruit ability or Haki... I mean you don't have to if you don't... want to".

I take a deep breath, "my mother died when I was younger..."


"Me and my sister were homeless for quite some time". I stopped as tears welled in my eyes, "as a child I had always dreamed of becoming a navigator, and sail the seas... but that little girl...she knew that wasn't possible".

"I'm grateful for the day I found this place" I smile."What about yo-"

I sigh as I see Hikari fast asleep. I get up slowly and shut the door behind me.

I seriously hope she got all that, explaining this to her again would suck.

=Hikari POV=

I walk back to my dorm, hoping no one would notice my messy bed hair. I desperately wriggle the keys in the lock to my room. After realizing I had the keys the wrong way the door finally opened.

I have to get ready for class tomorrow...

I suddenly hear soft mumbling inside my room, I slowly walk in to see who the intruder was. A squeak escaped my mouth as I stare at the curly pink haired girl that stood at the bed next to mine, unpacking the bag that had been there for a couple of days.

"I specifically asked to be in a room of my own, this place is filthy and small" she complains.

Her voice was high and a tad annoying, she had an irritated look on her face as she turned to looked at me. Her red lips were formed into a pout, and her big dark eyes looked into mine. She had a very 'Gothic Lolita' style, and the clothes she wore looked extremely expensive.

"Umm... are you my rooma-"

"Unfortunately. And because of that you will address me as Perona-sama" she says. She had that judgmental look on her face, as she hands me a piece of paper. I open it to see a bunch of rules listed neatly on the sheet, I give her a confused look.

"I figured a stupid commoner like you would have no manners what so ever. So I decided to write you a bunch of rules" she explains, I rub my temples as I walk to my bed.

She's giving me a headache already...

"Excuse me? What do you say? I actually took the time to write that for you".

I give her a tired look, "thank you" I grumble.

"Good, you have manners. Listen I'm new and we have class tomorrow, from now on your my new pet" she smirks.


Yay! I love Perona! I've been wanting to write this for ages, since she's one of my favorite One Piece characters :3

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