=Drunk Hikari and Horsey=

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=Law POV=

I look at Perona in horror, I thought no one was watching us that night.

"Let me refresh your memory" she smirks evilly, placing her hand on her hip. "You know when Hikari over here was drunk and called you ho-"

I take Hikari out of my arms and grab the collar of the pink haired girls shirt, stopping her from continuing. "Law! What are you doing?!" Hikari shouts before finding her balance.

"How did you know about that?" I growl through clenched teeth. "Know about what?!" Hikari calls. I grip harder as hell fire burned in my eyes, Hikari... isn't allowed to find out.

"I just happened to be walking by and spotted you two" she takes my hand off her collar releasing from my grip. "What happened? Stop ignoring me!" Hikari stomps her foot on the ground. I had a bad feeling in my stomach as Perona went quiet.

I shove my hands in my pockets as I head for the elevator door, "this is stupid, lets go, Hikari". I bite my lip as Hikari follows behind me, I feel her hand tug on the back of my hoodie. "Law..." she whispers.

I turn my head back a little to face her, she had an embarrassed blush on her face, "that time when I woke up puking, when I got drunk... what happened?"

I sigh, lightly tapping her bright red cheeks, "nothing much" I respond. "I-I want to know if I did anything weird!" She grabs my hand making sure I don't walk away, my eyes widen from the touch of her hand, "you got drunk. End of story" replying coldly, I held her hand back, "you suck at answering questions" she pouts as we walk towards the elevator.

"Law!" Perona shouts, me and Hikari stop walking turning our heads back, "why... why did you choose her?" Perona's voice became shaky as she looks nervously to the ground. I could hear faint sniffles as she fiddled with her shirt. "What?" I ask, seeing that Hikari looked confused as well.

"Why are you dating such a puny wimp like her!" She shouts pointing at Hikari as her eyes filled with tears. I felt Hikari tighten her grip on my hand "Perona... has feelings for you" she whispers to me, letting go of my hand.

"Law..." Perona continues, the look in her eyes were a mix of anger and sadness. "You dumb ass! I like you! I always have!" 


=Hikari POV=

I felt myself wake up as light touches my face, I squint my eyes open managing to see a figure who I'm guessing was Perona walk into the room. She then suddenly flicks the light switch brightening the room. I groan, I was tired. Really tired. Waiting in the library to tutor Kid who never even showed up, and I was too tired to talk to her about what happened earlier. So I just laid still on my bed pretending I was still asleep.

I the lights then suddenly went out. I heard Perona slip into her bed, I felt relived that she didn't try to wake me up.

"I know you're awake, asshole" I hear her say.

=Clau POV=

"I saw her with Ace-kun too!"

"Who does she think she is?"

"She's probably doing it for attention".

"Why would Ace even like such an awkward person like her?"

I can hear you, you know...

I sigh as I sat on my seat with my fists clenched. Why are they talking about me like that? The whispers then stop once I look up seeing Ace-kun's wide closed eye smile. "Good morning Clau-chan!" He calls, from the corner of my eye I could see the dirty looks I got from the girls as they continued to gossip. I didn't reply to Ace, knowing that I would just get the girls even more mad. 

"Whats wrong? You don't look well" he asks taking his seat next to me. I ignored him and looked down at my lap. "Clau-chaaan talk to me!" He leans over and pokes my cheek, making me grin a little. I look back to the group of girls as they watched me and Ace.

How am I suppose to make friends now?

"Ace-kun, I'm sorry but... I don't really want to talk much today" I wanted to slap myself for being so mean, after the fun stuff he has done with me.

"Claudia... did something happen?" He asks as his tone became more serious, I felt myself get even more tense as Kid walked into class taking his seat next to me as well. 

I heard Ace sigh as he looks over to Kid, "Kid! Your presence scaring Claudia!" 

I look at Ace shocked, I then quickly wave my hands up to his face, "no! No! I'm not scared!" I say to Ace, hoping that it didn't anger Kid.

"You lookin' for a fight Fire Fist?" Kid smirks, cracking his knuckles.

"Ugh. Kid seriously? You and Ace have your fight somewhere else" the teacher finally walks in as Kid rolled his eyes and gazed out the window. I sigh in relief, finding it a little amazing that the teacher could just talk like that to Eustass Kid.

I look over to the red head, watching him stare blankly out the window. It got me curious, Kid had a terrible temper and was considered a demon by a lot of the students. But now, he didn't look like some terrifying monster, he just looked like another high school student. Which got me thinking, does Kid have a soft side? Is he really like any-other high school student? Does he love anyone?


Hey guys! There's this really cool story called 'My Cliche Boarding School Story' by Maddog220, it's  great! So please check it out when you have time! <3

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