=Straw Hat=

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=Hikari POV=

The cafeteria was bigger than expected, and filled with hungry students. I awkwardly follow Nami to a table with some familiar faces.

"Hika-chan this is Vivi" she introduces me to a charming, blue haired girl. Her hair waved halfway down her back, her eyes sparkled as she threw me a kind smile.

"Hikari-san, nice to meet you I'm part of the school council" she held out her hand for me to shake it.

I have yet made another friend!

"This is Conis and Keimi" Nami says bring me closer to the two. My palms start to sweat rapidly, I wasn't use to interacting with so much people.

"Heso! Hika-chan" smiles a fair skinned angelic looking girl, he hair was tied in two braided piggy tails. She wore a fitted pink and black dress that stopped at her thighs. "I'm Conis" I quickly wave to her, hoping she wouldn't want to shake my sweaty hands.

A green haired girl (which I'm guessing is Keimi) held out a plate of steaming hot takoyaki "yay! Hika-chin try some"

I hold out my hand "sorry, but I'm not that hun-"

"EHHHHHH?! Nami-chin! Iv'e made a mistake!" her face looked extremely shocked and her eyes were practically popping out her head.

After giving in to try some of Keimi's takoyaki I was introduced to a few more students.

Socializing is hard...and tiring.

"NAMI!!! THAT LOOKS TASTY!!!!!" A sudden voice appears from behind me. I quickly realize it was one of the boys in our class. He wore an open white shirt revealing a muscular torso and abs, a straw hat sat atop his jet black hair and a wide grin was spread across his face.

"I'll let you have some if you quiet down" Nami hisses, holding her finger towards her lips.

"ITADAKIMASU!" He shouts, grabbing one of the plates of takoyaki. "Hey Nami! You should have seen me before! I totaly beat a group of seniors! I'm definitely the strongest in school!!!"

I haven't even been properly introduced to this guy and I already hate him.

"Ah, Hikari this is Luffy he's in our class" Nami smiles at me as she hands Luffy another plate, only for it to be sent clattering down onto the cafeteria floor. I look down to see that not only the plate but the takoyaki aswell was turned into stone.

Can't one normal thing just happen today...

"Kyaaaaaa! Luffy-senpai! Don't eat that! The food I prepared for you is much tastier!" A raven haired girl runs up to Luffy with a gigantic lunch box. I was amazed by how charming she was I couldn't move, it felt as if I had been turned into stone just by staring.

"Oi Nami! How dare you flirt with my Luffy!" She barks, handing Luffy the lunch box.

"I'm not flirting with him! Plus hes not yours!" Nami yells back, as a faint blush appears on her cheeks.

"Whatever! But he will be soon!" she flips her elegant black hair out of her face and takes a seat next to Luffy. 

=Nami POV=

I turn back to Hikari, she had a puzzled look on her adorable face. "Are you done?  Lunch is about to end" I smile at her as I started to cool down. 

Me and Hikari made our way to class and took a seat at the very back. "Who was that girl?" she asks.

"That was Boa Hancock, pretty isn't she?" I explain looking out the window. "Shes had her eyes on Luffy for quite a while now."

"I see Hikari's reflection pouting, "eh? Who would like someone like him?"

I chuckle, "you don't like Luffy?"

"Hes loud, obnoxious and not to mention extremely cocky" she replies.

"What about that Law guy?" I ask, playing around with her,"you know hes a grade A student".

"I talked to him once!" Her cheeks instantly went red,

"You sure looked like you were having fun" I giggle as she leans away from me with her burning red cheeks. She didn't seem to have experience with boys, it was adorable.

The bell finally rang for the last session, I pack up my books and remind Hikari where her dorm was.

"Hey Nami, am I allowed to get a new timetable?" She suddenly asks, showing me her timetable.

"What are you talking about your timetable is perf-"

"WHAT?!" After quickly scanning through her timetable I see 'Devil Fruit Training' printed on it.

"I know right? Combat fighting, battle strategy, weapons how weird is that?"

=Hikari POV=

"What are you talking about? Your in a devil fruit class! That's so cool!" Nami's eyes start to glitter.

"Wait what?!? But it's just a prank....right?"

"So what devil fruit did you eat?" 

I step back as her curiosity starts to scare me. Is she serious? Was this timetable real?

"I-I-I don't know" I reply as tears start to fill my eyes. All the lonely memories flood my brain.

"You mean you haven't tried?"

"More like I don't want to try" I quickly look away, making sure she dosen't see me cry.

I start to fast walk towards the door "Um.. I'll go ahead" I call back to her.

I made my way down the surprisingly empty hallway, the tears woudn't stop. It made my vision blurry, I quickly wipe my sleeve against my face drying up the tears. 

I suddenly feel myself clash against someone. I look up to find Law with the same dark smirk on his face.

"Oh had a rough day?" He questions, I wipe my face again. Out of all people he has to be the one to see me cry?!

"Whatever, I don't have time to talk to you stupid pervert" I grumble past him, I could feel him smiling behind my back.

"The stairs to exit the main building are the other way" he says. Causing my cheeks to burn in embarrassment.

I turn around to head the opposite direction facing the ground to avoid eye contact. "Guess we'll have to walk back together then" he smiles.

"No way in hell! Damn perv!" I yell as I run off.

I step out the main building to see a crowd of students watching a fight. I guess that's why the hallways were empty. I quickly look back to make sure I lost him.

"eek!" I squeal, as I see Law exit the building. "What the hell!" I yell at him.

I hear him chuckle darkly, "It was nice walking with you". Was he behind me this whole time!?

He starts to walk towards the boys dorms, when he suddenly stops. "By the way.. I'll see you in class tomorrow" He says as he continues to walk again.

What? I thought this guy was a year older than me. Well he looked a year older...

I open the door to my room to find someones luggage sitting atop the single bed opposite of mine. Must be my room mate, but no ones in here.

I lay on my bed and pull my sketch book out. 

Finally, silence.

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