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Conners pov.

Megan and I thought of out plan. we just need to get:

1. Rope/ chains

2. Gasoline

3. Matches

4. Guns/knives

5. Torture stuff

6. Video camera

7. Chain saw

8. Poison

9. Pliers

10. Wires

11. Bleach

12. Boat

13. Rent out an old abandon where house

Once we get our money out of our bank account we can get our supplies. watch out assholes shits about to happen.

Megan's pov.

It's time today Conner and I are going to go get our supplies to get our revenge. watch out bitches because I'm back and ready for revenge.

You know what they say Karma's a bitch.

Me- hey Conner wanna know a joke

C- sure what Megan

M- well first you have to start it out actually.

C- ok...

M- just say did it hurt from heaven

C- did it hurt from heaven cause your hot

M- no but it hurt like a bitch crawling out of hell

At this Conner died of laughter.

M- hey Conner it's time

C- finally

Jakes pov.

Get me the fuck out of here you asshole!!!

God I'm so pissed you see I've been trapped here for three days and three nights.

When they come in here next I'm going to snap there necks.

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