That bitch

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Stacy provs.

I can't believe that she's back. that little bitch is back from the facility. I mean seriously they can't let that bitch out she "tried" to kill me. ok actually I tried killing her but it's pretty much the same.

Anyway I hope she rots in hell. I am going to make her life hell once again. it's no lie that I knew exactly who she was when she stepped out if her car.

I also can't believe that supper got guy is with her ad not with me and they have all the same classes. ugh I hate her and my life.

Why does she have to ruin everything?

Jocks prov.

I tried tripping her but no use. that guy she was with caught her and jut glared at me. I'm going to make her mine and beat the shit out of that guy.

I can tell he likes her but is scared to tell her. the funny thing is that she looks familiar but I can't place her.

So I went to Stacy and we talked about the new girl and new guy.

Jock: so Stacy I need your help

Stacy: it's about time you came to me. so what is it you need

Jock: I need help getting the new girl and getting rid of the guy

Stacy: if you can help me get the new guy

Jock: deal

We shook on it and came up with our plan. better watch out jake and Megan you will be mine.

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