To my horror

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Conners pov.

I never really knew how strong Megan was not until what I just witnessed. Megan not only break her neck she took it clean off in one solid smooth motion.

To say I was scared would be an understatement I was petrified but I won't let my sister know that. the look in her eyes she had were ones that had you on your knees scared shitless that the devil himself would pee his pants.

On that note I made a little reminder not to piss her off. I stood statue still looking horrified at the scene before me. that was before I laughed and so did Megan.

Later that night I had a dream or vision of some-sort.


It was bright and everything looked fresh. the grass was green there were happy old married couples walking holding hands and just enjoying each other.

I was confused as to what's happening but then I came to a little house in the clearing. it was small cabin like it had a warm feeling to it. so I went to the door and opened it and what had caught my attention were the people in the house.

There were four kids and two very very familiar adults happy and in love. I didn't notice this at first but then there was another set of couples as to which they look familiar too.

Then just like that it was destroyed. like a picture burning from a fire. it shriveled up and turned to ashes. it was gone just like that.

Then my mother appeared in front of me looking torn between guilt, anger, and sadness and most of all disappointment. the look in her eyes said it all that me as her son had done this and I know how.

Son she spoke barley above a whisper. her eyes holding unshod tears as she spoke " why.... why must you turn down that road. the road of violence. the road your father, and sister have taking. it's not to late to save Megan. show her there is a way show her the good not the evil. get rid of her demon from inside her rid of her hate and fear. tell her to let go."

I stood there shocked and confused as I replied " how? how do I save her before it's to late?"

She was slowly disappearing and spoke the words I did not want to hear " I can not stay and that is entirely up to you."

................dream/vision over..................

What does she mean? how am I supposed to save my sister?

Then it hit me like a bucket of I've cold water. I have to.......

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