17: Soft Spots for the Other

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17: Soft Spots for the Other


"I can't believe this." I grumbled, flopping to my bed, Aomine just gave a yawn, and sat at the edge of his. "I can't believe Father just approved her request." I said bitterly, sitting up. I grabbed my laptop, turning it on immediately.

Aomine didn't reply; he just pushed himself back and lied down. He closed his eyes, and it just made jealousy coursing through me even more. If he didn't speak, which means he liked it, right?


I clicked onto my notes, adding a new one to my list.


Sweetest Mother,

How are you up there? I'm fine now. A lot of things had happened here, and Father is still not okay about discussing you. I know, me neither. I don't think any of us can cope with your passing.

A lot had happened a few months back. It started when Father had assigned a guy to be my room mate. A guy. My room mate. You know how hard is that? On top of that, he really gets on my nerves, doesn't take care of himself properly, and is a total slacker!

I know I should be patient, since you told me that "Rewards shall only come to those who are patient." But, it really seemed that Fate is messing with us.

But nevertheless, he is really fun to hang out with. Beneath the arrogant jackass persona, he really is a huge softie. He even saved me from two assaults, when I felt all hopes were lost. But he came. He rescued.

I know I should write more, but fatigue is getting at me and I should really go sleep now. I'm following your words. "Sleeping late isn't good for your complexion."

I know you may have lost your battle here, but I know the rewards there are most longed for.

Stay safe, Mother.


With that, I shut my laptop close, hearing a soft snore coming from my dorm mate. Softly cooing, I put away my laptop and walked over, noticing how serene his face is when sleeping. A blue angel in disguise.

I decided to change into the most comfortable piece of clothing that I could sleep in, and given the fact that Aomine was fast asleep, I can change freely. Old habits die hard, you know.

Walking over to the closet, I slipped out of my clothes and dressed into my plain white tank top and black shorts. They were cotton, and pretty comfortable. They'll do.

Now being a good samaritan I was, I couldn't let him sleep like this. So I had to muster up my strength(all of it plus the hockey, actually. But nothing interesting happened in hockey so I just didn't tell you. Anyways!) and pulled his sleeping self till his head reached his pillow, before pulling his legs from the side of the bed.

I took off his shoes, arranging them carefully somewhere, and as reluctant as I was, pulled off his putrid socks. Damn this. Why was I caring again?

Oh, right. Good Samaritan.

I pulled the blanket off his sleeping figure and decided to cover over him with it, but before that, I knew it would suffocate him to sleep with the tie. Damn this.

Carefully, I untied and put it away. I didn't know what to do. I mean, who sleeps with a button-up shirt? Those buttons are a pain on the butt. So I ended up removing that too.

I flipped the switch and increased the temperature until it was 18 degrees Celcius. Only for you, Aomine, Only for you.

I knew I haven't tucked his blanket over his sleeping body, so I walked over and pulled it over to his chin. Well, tried to. Somehow, the coldness stung my skin and left me not concentrating, and I tangled under the covers. Next thing I knew, I was pressed up to Aomine's chest.

Dorm Mates with Aomine Daiki [A Kuroko no Basuke Fanfiction] Where stories live. Discover now