Wednesday pt2

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I sat up quickly in my bed as I tried to hold back the tears and screams. This was the fourth time this week in a row I had that nightmare. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I stood up and prepared for the day. After I finished doing everything I could do without going downstairs I just stood in front of the mirror. A loud sigh escaped my throat. "VIA HURRY YOUR ASS UP!" My aunt screamed at me. Everyone had their own nicknames for me. My aunts was Via. I didn't mind it to much. Plus there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I'm just lucky she let me stay with her after my parents died. It's now been twelve years since they died. And if you didn't do the math I'm sixteen. "VIA!" She screamed again. I picked up my bag and walked downstairs. "Why do you always have to take so fucking long, huh?" She asked in an angry tone. "I-I'm sorry ma'am." I stuttered trying to hold back the tears. "Olivia Chesmore Bat! What have I told you about stuttering?!" She was obviously pissed when she asked that. I took a deep breath. "You told me not to do it ma'am." I reminded myself. "Good. Now get your ass in the car." She spat. I only nodded before heading out the door starving as always. You know she may seem really mean at first but once you get to know her she's actually really nice. Well that's what I've been trying to convince myself for the past 11 years. Once we got to school I almost jumped out of the car. Even though school isn't too nice either. "Hey bat how's the cave?" Sophia Stevens asked as she and her friends laughed their asses off. "Yeah. Hey remember guys to make lots of noise so she doesn't bump into anyone." Garett asshole- I mean..... Jessica... his actual last name is 'Jessica'. They all started laughing and making weird sounds. If you didn't get it my last name is Bat. Hey its still better than Jessica. Once we got into class everyone started talking. Well everyone but me. I didn't have any friends at school. Or outside of school. My family members aren't even my friends. I got to my seat in the back of the room as usual and tried to ignore the comments. "Heh bet you bat is gonna go run home and cry her eyes out by lunch." Lucas Mason joked with Garett. "Wait.. when doesn't she cry!" He laughed. This happens everyday so it doesn't bother me anymore.

*time skip to lunch*

I sat in the corner of cafeteria. This isn't something new so it doesn't bother me anymore. "Hey hows mommy?" Sophia asked evilly. I just looked down. It's not that it affects me or that it bothers me as much as it used to. But nobody and I mean nobody stands up to or disagrees with Sophia. If you've ever watched mean girls she would be the Regina George.

I just realized that I haven't told you what anyone looks like.

Me: I'm tall I guess. I have long black hair that goes down to my butt or ass or whatever you want to call it. It's naturally dark and straight as fuck. My hair is always down. I have somewhat I guess pale skin. It's probably from lack of sunlight. I always wear long and big sweaters. I'm scared of wearing shorts so I just wear full length pants. I don't like being noticed so all my clothes are usually dark colors. I have green eyes. I'm not muscular but I don't think I'm exactly skinny either. Well that's what I think. My doctors keep saying I suffer from all these different mental disorders but I doubt it.

Sophia Stevens: she's average when it comes to height. So she's shorter than me. She has short curly brown hair that's usually up. Her skin is rather tanned. Sophia is the girl who always has to look perfect and she always dresses to impress. All her outfits are bright and colorful. She has brown eyes and she can't go a day without people knowing she wears make-up. Also her outfits are usually not school appropriate so she gets dress-coded all the time. She's skinny, but not too skinny let's just say she has the looks of a model. Hmm I wonder why? Yeah maybe because she's been modeling since she was five.

Garett Jessica: he's known as "the hottest guy in school". I disagree but hey nobody cares about my opinion so whatever. He's taller than me by a lot now. I remember when we were younger I used to be way taller than him. He has dark skin and black hair. His hair style changes everyday surprisingly. So I can't really say what his hair looks like. He's buff but not to the point where it's just gross looking. His eyes are brown and he's already growing a little beard. He always wears something that shows off his muscles. I honestly don't know what people see in that guy.

Lucas Mason: surprise, surprise he's the "second hottest guy in school." Well that's just what people say. He's buff like Garett. His hair is blonde and he has blue eyes. He is also a huge player. I think Lucas is trying to be a bad-ass. But he's failing at it. He doesn't have a beard. But he's super tall. His hair is like basically every other white boys hair today. (No offense.)

Kate: Kate or my aunt is light skinned with short brown hair and blue eyes like my father. I get my features from my mother. She looks like a slob if she's inside but if she's outside then she dresses like a snob. She's a little taller than me. When it comes to weight she's not too skinny but she's not too heavy. She's in the middle.

(Okay I shall start Wednesday pt3 only if people want me to)

(Sorry this one isn't as good as the first)

(This was more of a way to tell you what everyone looks like)

(Also Wednesday pt3 gets really dark)

(Please tell me what you think)

(See ya!)

Olivia BatWhere stories live. Discover now