Wednesday pt3

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Warning: there is VERY mature content in this chapter. You have been warned

*okay back to the book*

As I walked home I felt my eyes water. I know I said I was used to it. But just because you're used to something doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. As soon as I opened the door I felt my stomach turn and my heart drop. There before me was my aunt with an evil look on her face. I looked towards the stairs and sprinted as fast as I could to them. Just before I made it to the first step something grapped me by my backpack and threw me to the ground. I held back my tears and screams of pain. After the beating I used what little strength I had left, to go to my room. I dropped my bag at the door. Then I closed the door and basically jumped onto my bed. Once on it I cried. I cried because of every memory I have, I cried because every harsh comment that was said to or about me, I cried because everything they would do to me, I cried because what my uncle did to me. I stayed crying like that for hours until I ran out of tears. "Where did I put you?" I asked no one while I looked for my only friend. I found him. He was hidden under the clothes and in the top drawer. His name is Mark. I pulled Mark out of his case and I rolled up my left sleeve to reveal scars from previous times like this one. "Ready Mark?" I asked him. I sighed as he once again didn't answer. Still I don't know what I'm expecting. Mark is an inanimate object so he can't talk. I put Mark against my skin and slid him across it. Mark did this three more times. I let every drop of blood fall as a satisfied smile crept it's way to my face. That smile faded once the relief went away. After I put Mark away I just tried to sleep. I didn't bother changing. That would require way to much energy. But as always I couldn't fall asleep. Instead I could only think of everything they said and did, she said and did and what he said and did. I knew if I had any tears left they would be streaming down my face once I mentioned him. By him I mean my uncle Robert. Or basically Kate's husband. I just stayed awake for what seemed to be hours. My eyes hurt like a bitch since I was refusing to close them. It's been a few minutes since I blinked. I was trying to see how long I could keep them open for. I then began to fade into the dark void of my past. Finally I closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep.

(Okay that's Wednesday pt3. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Also sorry for the short chapter. Its only short because thats the end of Wednesday. If you're wondering why that last part is like this it's because it's a reference to my last book. {Chapter 4} anyway I hoped you liked it!)


Olivia BatWhere stories live. Discover now