Chapter 13

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"Olivia! I'm home!" Elliot's voice travels throughout their home as he places his keys on the living room table.

"Liv, where are you?" he begins to worry when she doesn't answer.

He walks upstairs, hoping to find her asleep in bed, but instead finds an envelope with his name on the front. He opens it and begins to read.

"Dearest Elliot:

Words can't explain how much you mean to me. I want you to be happy. For that to happen, I have to be gone. I don't want to fight like this anymore. I know you say I'm strong...but that was before all of this. I tried to fight it, but I'm tired. I'm tired of being tired. It's like happiness was a mountain. I was almost at the top and then my ice axe slipped and I fell down. Happiness was within my grasp and the next thing I knew, I was right back where I started. Every time I think I'm finally going to get to be happy with you again, something happens and ruins that. I don't want to feel that way anymore. It's made my life a living hell. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Always remember that. I love you, Elliot.



"No," he says almost in a whisper, his tears at bay. "No, no, no, no."

He began to throw things around the room and then punched the wall as hard as he could. He walked into the bathroom and saw Olivia's lifeless body in the tub.

"No," he rushed over to her, pulling her body out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor. "Liv, c'mon wake up."

He looked at the empty pill and liquor bottles on the floor. Tears rushing down his face, he began to perform CPR on his wife.

It'd been two minutes of him trying to bring her back and he broke down over her body. He called Fin to let him know what's happened.

"Liv, I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you at a time like this. I love you. I'll always love you," his sobs grew louder as he cradled his wife in his arms.

He didn't want a life without her. No one else would make him happy. He wanted so much for her...for them.

Fin arrived, along with the rest of the squad, police, paramedics, and plenty of news reporters. Fin lead the paramedics to the bathroom so they could take Olivia's body away. He saw Elliot cradling her in his arms and motioned for the paramedics to give him a minute.

"Elliot, I'm terribly sorry, man," Fin said as he placed a hand on Elliot's shoulder. Fin himself began to tear up.

"Thank you, Fin," Elliot said, knowing that it was time to let her go.

"You know what comes next."

"Give me 5 minutes, please?"

"Of course," Fin said as he walked out.

Elliot's cries were silent. He pulled her body closer to his and sobbed into her hair.

"I'm so sorry, Liv. I have to let you go now. I love you," he kissed her forehead as the paramedics came into the bathroom and began to place her body onto the stretcher.

With the paramedics carrying her body away, Elliot stayed on his knees in the bathroom floor. Fin put a hand out to help him up. They hugged and both men were crying. They had just lost someone whom they've known for years. Their best friend.

"I didn't know that she was at this point. I knew it was bad, but she didn't give me a sign to get her help. She had a weird dream this morning, but since the last attack, she's been acting fine. Never like when it happened the first time," Elliot shook his head. "This is all my fault. I should've known. I should've gotten her help. I-"

"You couldn't have known," Fin cut him off.

"She's my wife, for crying out loud," Elliot's voice was angry. "Was my wife."

Silence filled the room. The two men exited and the police took over the crime scene.

1 week later...

Olivia's funeral had passed. Elliot hadn't moved from the couch, unless he needed to go to the bathroom or get some more booze.

Now it was his life that had become a living hell. He didn't want to be here without her. She was the only person that ever made him truly happy.

"I can't do this anymore," he threw the whiskey bottle across the room and looked down at his pistol lying on the coffee table.

He grabbed the gun and put it to his head - his grip firm. He didn't think twice. He wanted to be with her.


A loud gunshot filled the house. The gun slipped from Elliot's hands as his body rolled over on the couch.

He was with her again. That's all that mattered...

A/N~ AAAAAND THAT CONCLUDES THIS BOOK !!! let me know what you guys thought in the comments. i shed many tears myself writing these last three chapters. thank you guys so much for sticking with me on this journey. i love you all so much and stay tuned for more books to come !! mwah xx

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