Band camp

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Band camp has already started and it's day 3. I been having a great time. I get to be away from home for about 8 hours or so every single day! *cheers* We already learned the opening of the show!! I soo excited to see how the whole thing turns out. Lots of people in the band hate marching, but I fucking LOVE IT....I don't know why but I just do it's weird. But hey everyone is different. We have to many kids this year We even have shadows people. When I found this out I was like in my head PLEASE DONT MAKE ME ONE OF THOSE!!! And I am soo happy that I didn't become a shadow. Don't get me wrong shadows are important too but I don't like being them. Plus there is this fucking stupid dot I can't always make it in time...I know your not going to perfect or anyone will notice but it pisses me off a little. The band director even told me I need to outside of the line. I was like NOOO SHIIT SHERLOCK....but in my head I said that.... he would of FUCKING MURDER MEE I'm not trying to die here [brain: at least not today. me: DID I ASKED YOU ]

(I tell you more about it later I need sleep for ONCE I honestly I never slept more than a least between 1 to 4 hours a sleep each night cause of my stupid brain.... I gonna babbling my mouth now see you in a few hours 😂)
(That song on top popped in my head while writing)

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