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Deborah and Patricia wandered around the carnival, staring in awe at everything around them

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Deborah and Patricia wandered around the carnival, staring in awe at everything around them. They walked with linked arms, protecting the other from the lingering and unwanted stares of the men around them.

"Debbie, look. He must have been crafted by God himself," Pat gawked, nodding over to a man standing in line for the ferris wheel.

"What happened to the girls only rule tonight?" Debbie scoffed sarcastically.

"There's always an exception for boys that look like him," Pat sighed dreamily.

"Come on," Pat squealed, dragging Debbie over to the line.

He hasn't stopped staring at her since she came into view. His heart raced and thumped in his chest, rattling around so hard he was sure she could hear it from all the way across the field.

"Buck, if you don't stop staring, she's gonna think you're a creep," Steve sighed, watching the girls walk towards them, well, towards Bucky.

"We'll see about that," Bucky said,  flashing a boyish grin and winking at his best friend.

"Well aren't you two just the most beautiful little things in all of Brooklyn tonight," Bucky sighed loudly as the girls approached. Debbie rolled her eyes and scoffed quietly.

"Unimpressed?" Bucky asked playfully, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Who said I was listening to you at all?" Debbie quipped.

"James. James Barnes-- but you can call me Bucky," he introduced himself, reaching his hand out to shake hers.

"I am not calling you Bucky. Dear god, you sound like you could be a civil war farmer from the confederate south-- James it is, then," Debbie scoffed, shaking his hand.

"And you are?" Bucky asked.

"Deborah. Deborah Williams. My friends call me Debbie-- but you can call me Deborah," Debbie answered.

"Well, doll, I have no intention of being your friend. So, I'm gonna call you Deb-- that's one step closer to your heart on the nickname list," Bucky replied charmingly. Pat tried to hide her giggles behind her hand, snickering quietly. Debbie stop there stunned, not knowing how to respond. Her wit had never failed her before, but here she stood, speechless.

There was something different about him. It wasn't his charm nor his good looks. No, there was something else. It wasn't his piercingly blue eyes or his bright smile. No, there was something else. It was what was behind all those things.


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