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It was a busy day at the diner where Debbie worked as a waitress

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It was a busy day at the diner where Debbie worked as a waitress. Debbie scrambled around the diner trying to take as many orders as she could. She came to halting stop, almost dropping the full tray of food in her hands when she rounded the corner. She stared in shock at the scraggly mop of blonde hair, the back of his head almost not even tall enough to reach the top of the booth. She could recognize the back of that head anywhere. A glint of hope fluttered in her heart as her eyes darted around the room to see if his best friend had tagged along. She tried to hide her disappointment when she realized that he wasn't there. She quickly gathered herself skipping over to Steve's table. The pair of people sitting there were too caught up in reading the menu to notice she had walked up.

"Steven Grant Rogers. If you're going to be in Brooklyn, next time give me a call," Debbie scoffed excitedly.

"Debbie! It's so good to see you!" Steve exclaimed, jumping up from his seat to hug her.

"Who's your date?" Debbie asked, eyebrows raised and arms crossed as she inspected the girl sitting across from him.

"Not a date. Commanding officer. Peggy Carter, nice to meet you," the woman introduced herself.

"Deborah Barnes," Debbie introduced herself.

"That's the first time I've heard you say that," Steve chuckled.

"It is my name now," Debbie said, laughing gently.

"You've just gotten married?" Peggy asked, her British accent overwhelming the Brooklyn native. She had never heard nor met a British person before and she couldn't yet decide if she was impressed.

"Yes. My husband is in the 107th," Debbie explained.

"Splendid," Peggy said politely.

"What're you doing in Brooklyn, Steve?" Debbie asked curiously.

"I'm not quite sure how to explain-- but I was hoping you would come. It'd be nice to have family there," Steve begged.

"Anytime, anyplace. I'm always gonna be there for you, Stevie," Debbie promised, winking at him sarcastically.

"Meet us outside the antiques shop in thirty minutes. Don't worry about your shift, I've already gotten someone to cover it," Peggy interjected, her voice quick and official sounding. She stood up from the table, signaling for Steve to come with her. She dropped a large tip on the table, exiting the diner without another word.

Debbie scurried towards the antique shop to meet up with Steve and Peggy, praying she wouldn't be late.

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