006 | like a sister - HOLLAND's

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m/y/c: movie of your choice
y/f/m: your favorite movie
f/m: family movie

Y/N knocked heavily on the door, already drenched in rain.

"Y/N!" Nikki opened the door and beckoned for Y/N to come inside. "Tom, bring a towel to the front door! You should've just came right in."

Y/N smiled. She took the box out of her coat and set it down. Tom walked up to her and gave her the towel. "Thanks, Tom," Y/N said. She took off her coat and hung it up, trying to place it in a way all the water would dry. Y/N brought the towel to her head, as she wiped her face. Placing the towel under her coat to catch the dripping water, Y/N took off her shoes and set them on the towel.

She picked up the box and headed into the living room where all four brothers sat. Y/N opened up the box and began to pull out the movies she brought along. "Okay so I have m/y/c, y/f/m, and f/m," Y/N glanced at the boys sitting on the couch. "Paddy, it's your turn to choose which movie."

"Are you sure we can't watch one of Tom's?" Paddy pleaded. Y/N giggled.

"No!" Tom told him. "I'm not watching myself."

"Fine," Paddy mumbled. "Let's watch f/m. I haven't seen that one."

"Good choice," Y/N said. She put the other two back and moved towards the TV, getting f/m started. "I've only seen this one once, but I can tell you it's a good one." Once Y/N finished getting the movie in, Dom called for dinner, and Y/N was the first one up and in the kitchen.

Holding her plate, Y/N headed back towards the living room and sat down on the couch. Tom came in and sat down next to her, whereas Paddy and Sam went to the floor, with Harry taking the chair. Their parents came in and sat on the other couch. Everyone began eating, and the movie began playing.

Towards the end of the movie, everyone's plates had been movie out of the living room and they were now munching on popcorn. Y/N had laid down on the couch, her feet spread over Tom's lap. He would randomly tickle her feet and then clutch his stomach as Y/N drive her foot into it as a warning.

This was how normal nights at the Holland house were like. Y/N came over a lot, it was like she was a sister to the boys. Nikki enjoyed finally having a daughter, and Y/N enjoyed her time with Nikki. Y/N would come over a wrestle with he boys, eat with them, and play video games with them. The Hollands had basically adopted Y/N.

author's note
wow this is such trash 🤦‍♀️ I didn't know what to do for the ending sooo 🤷‍♀️ this is what happens when I don't have requests. you can request on the first chapter or pm me :)

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